live/love words + a revealing interview

Feb 12, 2009 | Life in Progress

My creation
unconditional love, become your dream, what’s your wish, we are in this love together – all found on the streets of nyc.
i’ve been doing this thing where i search (and then capture with my camera – usually my iphone) for words out in the world. words that speak to me. that make my heart do a tiny flip. that make me pause even if just for a second. just like with the heart finding project, i’ve been so surprised at the abundance. i found many many words while wandering nyc and even a few life/love statements (like the ones in the mosaic above). i dunno. they just make me pause, smile, and then carry on with my day.  i’m finding more and more words in seattle, too. i love the idea of treasure hunting for snippets of joy out in the world. just love it.
(dream, found in seattle)

a few months ago i was interviewed (by phone) by alison lee over at craftcast. as i listened to our conversation on the podcast, i was flushed with embarrassment: does my voice really sound like that? is it possible for one person to say “it’s true” that many times in a short conversation? do i really respond with “mmm hmms” that much in real life? but all of that aside, i felt exposed in the way i do when i’m honest. when i simply tell my story. and when i spill. and spill i did – on everything from my artful beginnings, to who inspires me the most, to how the book deal came about (and the details of that whole process), to how i struggle with balance, to how writing is becoming more of my life, to how i can still feel uncomfortable with the process of making art (and how this is good), to how expressing my vulnerabilities in my art have been the greatest gift of all.

i’d love it if you grabbed a cup of tea and hit play on the podcast (our conversation is the last 30 minutes of the podcast). ignore all of my  “mmm hmmms”, and “it’s true’s”, and awkward pauses. i’m still learning my interview skills and i’m very, very wobbly.  in the end,  it’s just real conversation i suppose, right? and i really enjoyed talking with alison…she asked great questions.
ps – the lucky winner of this week’s giveaway is katie whose word was opportunity. katie, get in touch with me so we can get your goods out to you!!!

Sending much love,

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  1. Lorie

    This isn’t really a word… we live and work in rural western Montana. It is a photo of what I see on my snow shoe commute every morning. No “graffiti”, only snow, trees and tiny footprints.

    these are the kinds of words that speak to my heart.

  2. justagirl

    am just downloading the podcast now… I hate hearing my own voice too, it just sounds so weird out of your head.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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