as i navigate finding community here in this new city of mine, i’m really struck by the people in my life. how no matter where we are, we find and support one another across the miles and differences in our lives. the friendships in my life feel deep + wide, nourishing to the core. so while i’m in that funny space of really wanting to find my peeps here in seattle, i’m still deeply connected. this poem, written by friend jen lee, hit me hard. you’ll see.
by Jen Lee
The soulmate construct must begin
for us women when we are just girls,
thinking all will be well if we can find that
one true best friend.
When I was young I saw the film “Nadia” on TV,
and when the two little girls tied ribbons
in each other’s hair I broke
open with longing.
There was the little girl at school with asthma
who was my perfect mate in gym class, because
I was so bad at running.
Or the girl who inducted me into her cool club when
I wore the right skirt to school.
And yet,
as soon as my hand found another one to hold,
it was time to move.
To another town another school another new set
of rules to learn.
“Do you believe in soulmates?” I ask him now.
“I don’t know,” he says, and maybe this is why I like him:
I don’t know, either.
But these friends who have found their way to my heart,
may just be changing my mind.
They reach out and take my hand whenever
I’ve forgotten they are still there.
It’s not about any one being in better shape than another–
we all have some pieces found
and others still missing.
We lay all the pieces on the table, and even let the gaps
between them show.
You don’t bring your poker face to this party.
It is comfort–seeing others are missing the pieces that
we, too, are missing
and it is hope–seeing others have found the pieces we seek.
We will find them, too.
Until then, we kneel in the corner together and tie ribbons
in each other’s hair with the earnestness of girls, before
we all return to the world’s stage.