moronic things

Jan 28, 2006 | Life in Progress

so last nite john and i went to our friends dave and jessica’s place for dinner, all spiffed up in our good jeans and shoes. but when we promptly arrived at 7:30pm, dave was like “uhh, you’re here on the wrong nite. our dinner plans are for next friday.” after a few embarrassing laughs and me admitting that i’m a complete moron, we left and met up with zach and brooke for dinner. this funny little tale was the perfect ending to a discombobulated week. these sorts of things happen when i’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. once, i drove all the way from tallahassee, florida to jacksonville, florida with the suitcase i thought i had packed for my trip to New Jersey the following morning. that evening when i went to open the suitcase, it was empty! i had accidentally grabbed the wrong suitcase when i left tallhassee…..yes, i’m a moron. these are like little hiccups in my life, letting me know when i’m too distracted, too aloof, too detached. i like to think i’m attuned to details…but i don’t think so.

it’s still raining outside, but my heart is sunnier today. i spoke with my friend Alena about contributing some art to the book she’s writing for lark books. it’s a book about altered books, a type of mixed media art that is all the rage right now. sketches are due feb 14th. and actual art is due april 14. i’m glad for the deadlines. i need something to get me motivated and creating. i’m excited about her ideas and i just hope the pieces i submit are in line with what she’s hoping for.

john leaves wed for his interview in Pasadena, CA. we spent some of our morning going over questions to ask, answers to give, etc. they’re interviewing 80 people and a little over 30 people are eventually accepted. we’re hopeful!

our car is fixed, running like a gem, and i am very happy to have it back!

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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