My 2020 word of the year. Hello, Ease!

Dec 30, 2019 | Life in Progress

Hello, 2020.

I’m so, so glad for the New Year. This last year, of course, was a big transition year for my family and I’m excited to close it out with gratitude and full hearts, and maybe a few exhales, too.

2019 was the year we completed all that we put into motion in early 2018. We moved to our new home and city after selling a large number of our belongings and two temporary housing stays. We trusted we’d land right where we belonged, that True would find his way, that we would find ours.

We did a lot of holding our breath as housing builds lingered, as new school jitters took hold, as parents also moved to our tiny town, as one of them needed emergency surgery (thank goodness he’s ok), as we navigated the newness of all that comes with moving.



I am SO excited to exhale a bit in 2020, but also, I’m ready to invite in the spirit of Ease this next year.

I think natural over-achievers like me (raise your hand if you’re with me!) struggle with the idea of letting things be easy. We think that unless we’ve worked HARD, (often sacrificing/martyring our bodies/time), then what we’re doing/offering/being isn’t worthy. So for me, ease and worthiness are tangled up. My hope this year is to untangle them. I want Ease without self-judgment, and I’m excited to see what unfolds when I let go (even more) of my striving energy.

Less striving, more Ease. Less hustling, more alignment. Less working against the flow and more allowing it to be easy. Less self-sabotage resulting in struggle and more conscious, sacred Ease. Less complicating everything, more simplicity. Less overdoing it, more harmony.

I made myself a little collage painting with my 2020 word. I’ve put it up directly in front of my desk. I’m hoping it can act as a gentle reminder, one that greets me each time I’m tempted to make things more complicated than they need to be 🙂

Here’s to 2020. Something tells me it’s going to be a wonderful year.

Here are a few peeks from life around here lately:

Sending much love,

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  1. Pamela

    I’ve joust bought your wall calendar and waiting for delivery . I was drawn to it because of your beautiful artwork but also because I’m sure it will uplift me every day ( in my kitchen ) . God led me to you . I’m a senior in an extremely abusive marriage to a covert passive aggressive narcissist … I know that your calendar is going to give me strength I look forward to your posts

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Sending much love and healing to you, Pamela. And thank you for supporting my calendar, too 🙂

  2. Cindy rothwell

    January 26th is my 40 year wedding anniversary
    When I married my husband I didn’t know it would be a marriage with three
    Him myself and his undisclosed depression
    I want to somehow write about my 40 year experience to help others and help myself continue to heal
    I am reaching out to you because I feel you could direct me on the right path
    To start 2020 and have a contact that could help me share my experience and help others in doing so
    Thank you

  3. Jenn

    I love that you painted yourself a gentle reminder and put it on your desk – hopefully this will help you remember to continue to untangle ease and worthiness. When you have it, lemme know, because I struggle with that too! I also chose a word that leans away from my nature in hopes of bettering my life.

  4. Deborah

    Lovelovelove. Although I always love your words and work. Yes, easy button please and thank you. My word this year is abandon, as in the noun: complete lack of inhibition or restraint.

    I will live with abandon.



  1. Link Love: Onward to 2020! - Lumi Chanel - […] My 2020 word of the year. Hello, Ease! (via Kelly Rae Roberts) […]

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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