Weekly Update – Coastal Trips, Kid Wisdom, and Healing Vibes

Jul 17, 2015 | Life in Progress

I’m obsessed with Instagram – it’s my favorite online home! Here’s a recap from the last week, and for those of you who aren’t on Instagram, come and join me! And you can click here to see all the Instagram updates right here on my blog!

Friday, July 3 

took a short trip to Manzanita yesterday with a couple of girlfriends.
This little town holds so much magic for me. It would be a dream to be
able to own a little cabin here someday. The weather was gorgeous and so
much peace in my soul. Love you, #manzanita! – See more at:
took a short trip to Manzanita yesterday with a couple of girlfriends.
This little town holds so much magic for me. It would be a dream to be
able to own a little cabin here someday. The weather was gorgeous and so
much peace in my soul. Love you, Manzanita!
took a short trip to Manzanita yesterday with a couple of girlfriends.
This little town holds so much magic for me. It would be a dream to be
able to own a little cabin here someday. The weather was gorgeous and so
much peace in my soul. Love you, #manzanita! – See more at:
took a short trip to Manzanita yesterday with a couple of girlfriends.
This little town holds so much magic for me. It would be a dream to be
able to own a little cabin here someday. The weather was gorgeous and so
much peace in my soul. Love you, #manzanita! – See more at:
took a short trip to Manzanita yesterday with a couple of girlfriends.
This little town holds so much magic for me. It would be a dream to be
able to own a little cabin here someday. The weather was gorgeous and so
much peace in my soul. Love you, #manzanita! – See more at:
took a short trip to Manzanita yesterday with a couple of girlfriends.
This little town holds so much magic for me. It would be a dream to be
able to own a little cabin here someday. The weather was gorgeous and so
much peace in my soul. Love you, #manzanita! – See more at:
took a short trip to Manzanita yesterday with a couple of girlfriends.
This little town holds so much magic for me. It would be a dream to be
able to own a little cabin here someday. The weather was gorgeous and so
much peace in my soul. Love you, #manzanita! – See more at:
took a short trip to Manzanita yesterday with a couple of girlfriends.
This little town holds so much magic for me. It would be a dream to be
able to own a little cabin here someday. The weather was gorgeous and so
much peace in my soul. Love you, #manzanita! – See more at:
been coming here for about 15 years, first with John, then with True,
sometimes in the summer, sometimes in the heart of winter when it’s
stormy, sleepy, and perfect. It’s also the birthplace of one of my
tribes, the lovebombers, many many years ago. When I found these two
sand dollars, one with a heart shape and the other with a butterfly
crack, I thought how perfect of what this place has represented for me. A
place of taking flight. And a place of love in friendships, in self
nurturing, and in family. I hope it keeps its small endearing charm and big magical beauty forever.
Saturday, July 4
rad day over here with both sets of grands, water balloons, good food, a
birthday cake for America, cocktails, major squeal inducing play, and
some very modest but just right fire works in the backyard on a very hot
and sunlit evening. – See more at:
rad day over here with both sets of grands, water balloons, good food, a
birthday cake for America, cocktails, major squeal inducing play, and
some very modest but just right fire works in the backyard on a very hot
and sunlit evening. 

Sunday, July 5

Apparently this giant old growth tree stump is well loved. ???

Monday, July 6
This was my view on the Oregon Coast a few days ago while john surfed – another spot we’ve been visiting for
15 years. I sat there for hours, totally blissed out in gratitude. I’ve
had such an immeasurable amount of peace in my heart these last many
months. I trust it. Honor it. Savor it. I am so thankful for all the
little spiritual bits and pieces that have led me to this place. Life
can be hard. And so I’m savoring when it’s GOOD. ??❤️ 
Tuesday, July 7

just about every minute of our everyday lives our adult selves are in
the driver’s seat. If we’re lucky, the windows are down, the music is
on, and the roads are smooth. But even in our best case scenarios, we’re
holding it all together as we adults are expected to do.

when I’m in fear my adult self hops into the backseat and my inner
child self takes the wheel for a bit. And I can tell you that fear is
not a good time for my inner child to be driving the bus. There are
meltdowns, unproductive arguments, gremlins, poor decisions, and more.
One of my biggest life lessons has been to recognize when my child self
is in the driver’s seat and then to gently talk to her, assure her that
all is going to be okay, while kindly escorting her to the backseat. My
adult self then regains control of the driver’s seat, fully capable of
handling overwhelm in ways that aren’t destructive. Along the way, she
glances in the rear view mirror at her child self and lovingly says, “I
got you.” We all have this kind of duality, these versions of ourselves
that are tucked in the car with us. Throughout our lives there are a few
magical moments, however, when our lives invite us to allow our inner
child to take the driving wheel. And creating art is one of those
magical, beautiful moments.

our inner child who will unleash her joy on the canvas, make bold
moves, be fearless. It’s our inner child who has not yet learned that
there are so-called rules to making art. She’s free, unconscious in her
choices, extremely curious. She knows what delights her, and moves on
quickly if she’s not having fun. She is intuitive, inspired, and has
imagination! And she’s not attached to making a “perfect” masterpiece.

unleashing our joy is about making a conscious decision to put our
inner child into the driver’s seat and put our adult self in the back
seat for a bit.

will be lots of resistance and friction along the way as your adult
self fights to take the wheel, but just like with anything, it’s takes
practice. The result? Not just brilliant paintings, but a ton of lessons
that come straight from our wisest self.
afternoon to you! I’m home cleaning up yesterday’s women’s luncheon
that I hosted. It was amazing and I’m still reeling from the inspiring
conversation and the food. Women gathering and supporting other women is my jive. Raise your hand if your with me! ✋???

never had dahlias in our yard before, but this year it’s like we’ve
nailed it. SO much is growing and blooming and birds are actually eating
from the feeders and eating the worms in the yard and I’m all like
“things are working!” And I am just LOVING it. And I am just grateful.

Wednesday, July 8

I heart your heart because you inspire me to reach and grow and become who I was meant to be.
Because you’ve taught me so much above love, trust, friendship and hope.
you have been a witness to my life in progress, always showing grace in
times when you could have shown judgment. Because when I think of those
who have deeply, profoundly affected my life, I think of you.
you always know what to say and how to kindly nurture my tender pieces
(thank you). Because you’ve laughed with me, cried with me, celebrated
with me.
You see me clearly, and I see you.
we always be connected in our traveling journeys, and may you always
know how deeply you are loved, how your life shines brightly, and how
your heart is never done.
I count my lucky stars for you, every single day.


Thursday, July 9

Believer of healing, rebirth, change, and finding our way with an open heart.
Amen. Love this. Truth.

Wearing my joy today! 
This is happening people.

Friday, July 10

Currently co-working in the studio with Julie Jeske and Andrea Scher. Andrea just exclaimed “OMG, I’m having a moment. Can you believe we get to do this , that this is our life?”

Another piece in my new series that celebrates togetherness. I love you forever and ever and all day long.
a lovely day of co-working, eating good food, shopping, playing,
chatting and brainstorming with amazing women doing good things in the
world. Also, we hired our first real non-family babysitter and she was a
huge hit with True. Feels like life opened up a lot today.

Saturday, July 11

“True, how would you define happiness?” Him: “Well, it’s kind of like
being proud but more smiley and it FEELS like Light and Light is God.” Later on in the day he said “If I don’t get to play with that toy soon I’m gonna collapse!”

Sunday, July 12

present to you the most delicious green juice ever! I have an almost
daily green smoothie but finding a green juice I love has been a
mission. I order this one at Canteen (awesome veggie spot in Portland)
but now I make it at home on the regular. LOVE!!! Here’s what’s in it:
handful of spinach leaves, ditto kale, ditto ice, a little bit of cold
water, four pitted dates, one hand squeezed lemon. Throw all of that
into a blender (Vitamix) with two apples and a thumb of ginger that have
been juiced. Voila. And you are welcome!!!

Monday, July 13

Seeker of all things hopeful and love-filled… Here’s to a hope-filled and loveful week!!

today was day 1 of commuting to the studio. Not gonna lie. I huffed and
puffed the entire 30 mins there and 30 mins back home. In fact I think
it would take about 20 mins if I was in better shape. But if there is
anything I’ve learned, it’s that we all start somewhere. I’m excited to
keep riding and see what unfolds.

Tuesday, July 14

Remember your roots and trust your wings.

Let’s take flight with our beginnings and our lessons, and trust in the possibility ahead.
working on a blog post while ignoring my inbox. One of my biggest
struggles is getting to my creative work (art, writing) BEFORE I dive
into my admin stuff. Yesterday and today are feeling so much
better/joyful because of it. Also, I rode my bike into work again, too.
Hello progress!!!!

Just received this photo of some of my products (with Demdaco) being displayed at the Atlanta Gift Mart. Loving that bike!!! 
Wednesday, July 15

And then she leapt with the gentlest courage, faith, and joy. Leaps can be gentle, my friends. Courage, faith, and joy are there to buoy us. 
it’s meetings with my team members (dream team) and getting ready for a
solo trip to OR Coast for a couple of days of creative nurture time.
Also, advocado green for the win. These were one of the pairs I brought
home from England. Love! Ps: brand is Oxygen for those of you
Loving all the activity happening over in the #hellosoulhellomantras
feed! We have new students joining the painting ecourse every day. I’m
amazed by their willingness to embrace the messy, imperfect
vulnerability of making art. Love love love.
exactly how John hoped to spend his summer (no surfing, swimming,
biking) but we’re both grateful it’s not worse. He broke his wrist (on
his dominant arm) skateboarding with True last week. And it’s a slow to
heal bone, too. 3-6 months in a cast. Oh no! We’re pumping him full of
green juices and veggies and visits with healers in hopes to expedite
the process. The up side? His cast perfectly matches his shirt. ??
From the yard!!! ?❤️
Thursday, July 16
friends! My photographer friend Zippy has started a kickstarter fund for her incredible project photographing amazing kids and their families
who venture out to the desert each year for creative play. Zippy has a
love of children and I’ve witnessed how children simply adore her as
well. Her images are breathtaking and I wanna support her campaign.
I’m coming for you Manzanita! I enjoyed the solo road trip, driving in the slow lane while listening
to The Weepies and Taylor Swift. Ahhh, I can hear my thoughts, and feel
my center.

That’s it for this week! Check back here next week for another update, or join us over on Instagram for daily photos and thoughts!

Kelly Rae

Sending much love,

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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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