omg. i had no idea.

Dec 8, 2007 | Entrepreneurship, Life in Progress

KPFA is tomorrow. i can’t believe it. i am learning what hard work it is to do these sorts of art festivals. holy cow. long hours. i thought i was going to have a panic attack when we arrived to set up the booth today – we had no plan, no props, no idea what the setup was going to be. i fully dropped the ball on this – all i can say is that there are not enough hours in the day lately so earlier this week john and i casually decided “what the heck. we’ll just wing it.”  this seemed like a fine plan until we arrived today to find every other person setting up their professional looking booths with track lighting and poles and beams. and there we were, with our boxes of goods, but no plan. no poles. or beams. or lighting. or even walls to hang paintings on! omg. what were we thinking? so yes, the panic set in. i gotta say, i was terrified and holding back a mess of tears.

earlier this week, when we decided to wing it, we also decided (and promised) that we would be patient with one another on this day, that we would stay calm and not get irritated in midst of running around and coming up with a last minute plan. so,  every other sentence today was a calm and cool “i love you, but we are running out of time and i need you to do xyz.” or “i love you, but you are asking me to do a million things in a span of five minutes” or “i love you, but now is not the time to cry with overwhelm. hand me that hammer.”  it all came together at the very last minute complete with multiple trips over the bay bridge, to target, homies, michaels, and our apartment. but i have to say the best part of it all was team working with my man. it reminded me of how well we are together.
so please, please, if you are in the bay area, come to kpfa. i got a peek at the other booths today, and i was so impressed with all the art and craft!
i will share pics of the last minute booth this weekend. i would share now, but this last minute project is still in process!

Sending much love,

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  1. katie

    “i love you, but now is not the time to cry with overwhelm. hand me that hammer”.

    i so needed to read this at this very moment. i’ve written it on a piece of paper and am carrying it in my pocket. thank you.

  2. She She

    Kelly Rae, by now it is over and all is well. I am sure it was wonderful and that you made yourself proud in spite of it all. I bet it was PERFECT!


  3. Kate

    I will have to send you the pic I took at Cafe Gratitude earlier this week…of my lovely friend Kelly’s KPFA poster! It was very cool to be out and about and see the poster and go, “I know her!”

    You are so talented and I’m so happy to hear that things have come together.

    Sending much love!


  4. Katrina

    kelly rae, your booth was GORGEOUS! and your work looked so so beautiful. “i love you… hand me that hammer”. how perfect! congrats, congrats, congrats. i hope you are glowing in that lovely kpfa booth this afternoon…

  5. liz elayne

    i can’t wait to hear all the details my friend!

    i thought about you several times today wondering how it was going…

    love to you…

  6. Christianne

    Oh my goodness, Kelly Rae, this is the first time I’ve had a chance to click over the KPFA — and see your gorgeous lady smiling back at me so large! That is so great! I am sure so many people have been waiting with bated breath to meet you and discover more of your work today. Can’t wait to hear how it went! And I’m sure everything with the booth turned out great — it seems that everything you and John put your hand to do turns out wonderful and beautiful and very “you” (for instance, I was so amazed at how you two pulled your new apartment in SF together the first weekend you were there!).

  7. * mY fRiEnDs cALL mE Rella *

    I so wish I could have planned a trip there. If you do this next year, I will be there if at ALL possible. I cannot wait to hear what you learned and loved about the process and I already know you will do well.
    xo Rella

  8. anna maria

    I can’t believe you could find the energy to blog about.
    anyway your work is beautiful and I’m sure you would do great even it you stack it all up along a wall!

  9. Sherry

    I wish I was in the area…I’ll have to rely on reports and photos!

    I think sometimes winging it is a good thing…sometimes being over-prepared and “over done” can put people off. If you stay true to who you are, what your art is, I think that attracts people to look, to browse and to buy. That my opinion from personal experience of shopping at these types of events. If it looks too “chi-chi” it’s not for me!

    Best of success…I’m sure it will be wonderful! Your work speaks for itself and needs no embellishments.

  10. Deborah

    I agree with the comment, your art will speak volumes and people will not notice walls or lighting. So now, you are more experienced, not a bad thing. You faced the problem and moved through it – thus making you stronger. Next time will be better and I know you are going to have such great success at the show!! I can’t wait for photos! Enjoy all the praise you hear about your art this weekend, you will be touching people’s hearts and making them smile!

  11. Ladyv

    i have a feeling your beautiful art will speak louder to people than any fancy booth ever could!

  12. deirdre

    I hope you have a wonderful time, even with all this last minute work.

    We probably won’t make it this weekend, as much as I want to run across the bridge and see your work (and booth), but our weekend has gotten crazy busy with kids and tamale making.

    Have fun, sell lots of paintings, enjoy.

    And lets plan lunch soon. It’s been too long.

  13. Lelainia N. Lloyd

    “i love you, but now is not the time to cry with overwhelm. hand me that hammer.”

    This made me laugh. This is how I deal with life in general-crying’s not going to help anything so let’s figure out what we can do and let’s get ‘er done! (It’s an Aries thing.)

    Good luck with your show!! 🙂

  14. Gwen

    You are going to laugh about this some day! I think that it is so funny that you decided to wing it.

    Knowing you, I am sure that it is a beautiful booth, and I am sending all good wishes that you have a very successful show and a fabulous time!!


  15. kelly

    oh how i wish i lived on the west coast. i would be there. please post pictures! good luck girlie.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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