Dear friends,
We are set to move in the Spring. Whole new town. Whole new life. As I continue to let go of the markings of my current life (house, belongings etc), I’m fiercely holding a vision of what I’d like our new life to hold. I am dreaming of a simple life. For spaciousness. For freedom.
I know that my envisioning it is how The Universe creates it. And so. I’m over here journaling about the life I want to create. I’m talking about it a lot with my friends, dreaming out loud with John. I’m pinning to my virtual vision boards on Pinterest. I’m writing letters to myself that start with “Dear open, optimistic, warrior heart”. I am making hard decisions in my biz life that feel scary.
To those of you in the throws of deep recalibrations of your life. To those of you who are making small and big brave steps toward the life that calls to you, I honor you. I see you. This is not easy work. But it’s brave and it’s worthy. The freedom you’re after is worth the voyage, despite the sometimes rocky seas along the way. Take it from a Possibilitarian who knows and is navigating her own rough seas at the moment. 🙂 Also, wear your joy. It helps.
Hi Kelly Rae,
First of all, I wish you and your family well on your journey to a new home and city! So much potential for new and wonderful experiences and yes a bit of scariness too! I too am moving to a new home and city at the end of June to be with my daughter, son-in-law and grandson Mason.He is autistic. All is falling into place nicely and I am so excited while trusting that everything will workout for myself and my family. There is a bit of fear because of the change yet I believe it is all in the name of love, abundance and enhancing our lives together and as individuals.
Your new website is beautiful! It radiates beauty, positivity and care for others, as well as, you and your family! Bravo!
Wish this for you and more,