we are home from the woods. it was giant redwood trees. marshmallows. campfires. cool evenings. and a lot of 13 year old humor with our friends. we need to do it more often, plain + simple.
since leaving oregon, i have missed the outdoors. the sounds of the trees. the birdsongs. the fresh air. our spirits lighter, we stretch our senses and relax a bit. and of course, bella is in heaven. she is a true outdoorsy dog.
i will never ever camp without marshmallows. it just won’t ever happen. and i am so thankful to john who introduced me to the outside world so many years ago. before i met john, i had never camped, hiked, kayaked, surfed, snowboarded, or paraglided. he turned my once addicted-to- air-conditioning self into an explorer. i’m a lucky girl.
Louise Hay + Kelly Rae = FULL BODY YES!
(Newish work, available in a variety of sizes here) I believe in making space. Sometimes, most of the time,...
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totally gorgeous…
sounds utterly yummy…
and mama earth has all the answers, doesn’t she?
with love and light,
Glad you had a great trip.
I love the messages in these two posts. Just what my soul needed to be reminded of.
Thanks sweet one.
I’m taking a big, deep sigh of relaxation just by reading your post. Thank you!
that looks so fun! i want to plan a fun camping trip soon w/ lots and lots of smores…
Oooo–burnt marshmallows are so good! I’m glad Bella is enjoying herself too!
sounds like a nourishing beautiful week. and i agree….camping and marshmellows are one and should not be without one another!