Trying to reclaim my joy and other thoughts

Oct 28, 2020 | Life in Progress


Autumn is here, it is here, it is HERE!


As I write this, I’m sipping hot tea, looking out the window to frosty cold grass, blue skies, and the long shadows that come with the Autumn sun.


This year has been so strange and hard for all of us. I’m grateful to welcome in the newness of this season, the crispness in the air has put a small skip in my step, which I’ve needed for sure.


My break up


It’s been a couple of weeks since my break-up with social media and I don’t miss it one bit. Zero FOMO.  Zero curiosity to peek back in. Zero regret. As I said in my last post, it feels like I finally broke up with someone that I’d been stringing along. It feels like freedom.


I’m feeling a return to the old ways of showing up here in my blog (and newsletter), I want to return to taking photos and blogging as a way of journaling my thoughts, my heart, my creative process. I have missed the ritual of it, the sense of centering it brings to my life. And I have missed the connection of it, too.


John opened a food cart!


Did I tell you that John opened his vegan/plant-based food truck? He did! It’s called Nourish and it’s awesome.


After months of planning, preparations, and navigating some pretty epic delays (hello, Covid!), it opened last week! It’s located directly next to my new retail shop, Marigold & True, in a quaint grassy spot. Isn’t it so cute?


I’ve been helping him take orders and it’s been so lovely how the community has shown up to support  him. It’s why we moved here – slower pace, simpler life, deeper sense of community. It’s happening!


I’m so proud of him for chasing this dream and making it happen despite the pandemic, despite added demands at home for homeschooling, despite the ocean of unknowns and uncertainty. It has not been easy. And yet, here we are. Dancing and singing in a gorgeous food cart, serving delish, healthy food to a community we adore. YES!


Not gonna lie


Not gonna lie, my joy has been elusive lately. I’m wrestling with what it means to be a pretty hardcore enthusiast (I’m a 7 on the Enneagram), which means I’m always getting myself in positions where I think I can do/create/manage more than what I’m capable of, or more than what I want to be capable of. I want a simple, quiet life. But my enthusiasm often sabotages these efforts. Ha! I’m a true Gemini, too.



My joy pockets run very very deep and I’ll get there again, but I want to acknowledge that it’s been a tough season over here. Brave in sadness, brave in love.


One thing that consistently brings me joy is making stickers. Thank YOU for scooping them up.


Around here lately:


I’ve been exploring a little bit and thought I’d share some photos of some captured beauty. Enjoy!


Sending much love. XOXOOX

Sending much love,

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  1. Liz

    Making a point of popping to the blog is SO much nicer than scrolling Instagram whilst I drink my coffee.

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      That is music to my ears, Liz! I can’t agree, more. I love being back in this space.

  2. Melissa

    Beautiful reflections as always Kelly Rae! I’m feeling the the elusiveness of joy lately too. The pockets run deep though, as you say. We always find our way back. I think it’s the overall energy of the world lately. When youre sensitive, you feel the heaviness sometimes without even knowing where it came from. Love seeing your little slice of the world! It’s so beautiful 😍

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      You’re so right, Melissa. Sensitivity requires extra doses of self care and vigilance. With you on that for sure 🙂

  3. Julie Larsh

    The food cart is AMAZING!! Sure wish we could try all the plant-based yumminess! And, of course, it got the “Kelly Rae” decor treatment. So cute! Good luck you two!

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thanks, Julie! It’s pretty darned cute!

  4. kristina

    i love reading about your journey through life. i am glad you & your family have found a place to flourish & thrive! thanks for sharing little glimpses into your small parcel of the world ~ brings me joy. 🙂

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thanks for being here, Kristina 🙂

  5. Janet Wright

    I am so glad you will be blogging frequently. Your words always make me smile and think of ways to feel joy.

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thanks, Janet. That means a lot 🙂

  6. María Carmen

    Glad you are back! I’ll be here, as always, to read what you want to tell and show us!

    Have a nice day!

    Mari Carmen

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thanks, Maria!

  7. Joyce Aono

    Congratulations on freeing yourself from the unnatural acquaintances of social media. It is no different from other vices that draw you in for temporary elation, but most assuredly becomes a disappointment, when it no longer is a welcomed choice.

    Trust in tried and true relationships of known friends and family, who love you for who are, not what someone wants you to be; or how they want you to think.

  8. Amy Burnham

    So glad you are being brave and letting go of what is no longer joyful to you. It is so hard. I am “retiring” from running my husband’s and my (and my son, Thunder’s) campground and motel after 21 years. It is scary but I too want to slow down, savor life more and reduce input from the outside noise and criticism that is to constant these days with social media everwhere. I am also trying not to rush into whatever my new endeavor will be (probably pottery biz) without thinking deeply about the details. Congratulations Kelly Rae, you always bring me joy with your honesty.❤


    Thank you! You helped me feel better today!

  10. Lisa Hetrick

    Kelly Rae, I’m loving this and I’m finding myself returning to blogs of my favorite people now so much. So over social. I really missed the storytelling and insight. Excited to see where you take it! Big love!

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Right there with you on these thoughts, Lisa!

  11. Diana Keith

    I love all your photos Kelly!

    Your voice and blog got me through a lot of change and I’m looking forward to hearing more.

    Thank you!

  12. Shimoda

    I love getting your emails seeing whats going on over there.
    So wonderful that your husband has his own business. Must be (or maybe not) inspiring for your son.

    An artist friend of mine also got off social media around the same time you mentioned it. It makes me wonder if we’ll see more people doing the same.

    Love your energy. Stay well.

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thanks, Shimoda. Gosh, I LOVE your name!

  13. Terry J Walker

    It’s always a pleasure to read about the adventures of you and your family. Congrats to both of you for realizing your dreams. I am on the road to making mine come true as well. You are right, Kelly, we need as much joy as we can muster these days. It is truly medicine for the spirit! I’m glad you are still doing your blog, it’s fun to read, like catching up with a friend. I’m working on mine and hope to have it up and running soon. Blessings, light & love to you and your family.

  14. Pamela C Payne

    I am so happy for you young lady and for John and living his dream.
    I love the food truck , name and setting. I love the word “nourish”….wish I lived closer and we would be enjoying a meal together!

    Your “catch up” letter arrived a few minutes ago. What a delightful way to spend a rainey day in NC . It brought joy and smiles.

    Thank you!

  15. Angi

    Congrats to John on his foodcart and it’s healthy eating, can’t wait till we can travel again and head to the northwest and bend, will be checking out both your store and food cart on our way to our fav place,bend, with our fav niece and nephew. Congrats and much aloha from angiinhana

  16. Teresa Pêgo

    Hello Kelly Rae! I’ve been following your work for some years now and you can’t imagine how much inspiration you gave me. Sometimes we just have to risk and start listening to our heart and just give it a try. There are so many ways to express ourselves. Some people like photography, others prefer writing, and many others like to express themselves with paint, words, dance, with their voice and all this is incredibly magical to many others who are looking for some new path in their lives.
    Grateful for your joy and for your creative expression.

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thanks, Teresa and I so agree!


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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