sushi = clarity

Oct 24, 2006 | Life in Progress

a small bit of good conversation with john over sushi, and i feel better. i’m such a processor. i need to talk out my feelings, my struggles, my self. it helps me find my way as i stumble over my words, my story.

i realize that all of this – the learning, the joys, the frustrations, the ins and outs of moods, the inspirations, the dull moments, all of it, is just a part of the journey. i’m trying to honor all of that while trying to find my little piece of balance in the midst of some very huge life transitions.

sometimes i have to remind myself that i just started all of this artmaking this year! and just like your wildest love affair, it has given my life sheer thrill and inspiration, but it has also turned it upside down – and i mean that in the best way possible. when you don’t expect something to happen in your life, like finding love, and then it happens, everything changes. but in the midst of my everything changing, we moved! so there has been more change within the cirlce of a bigger change. and i’m in the middle of the whirling circle, just trying to find my way, while holding onto every morsel of brightness that it has given to me. but i’m also trying to acknowledge from time to time that all of this has its bumpy spots. it’s all beautifully meaningful in the long run, in the end. this is what it’s all about.


Sending much love,

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  1. Swirly

    I have had plenty of experiences of whirling around in all kinds of overlapping, concentric, spinning circles! It can be difficult to get caught up in the frenzy, so to speak, but something must be working for you to have such lovely creations pouring out of you. 🙂

  2. Amber

    It is AMAZING that you made this change and started to do your art! It is deep inspiring. Deeply!


  3. Lisa I tried to copy the image to show you but I can’t seem to do it. At any rate, I saw this and thought of you and thought it might bring you comfort.

  4. la vie en rose

    i’ve had a few world rocking moments and there are some things that eventually work themselves out and there are some things that always keep you a little off balance…and that’s the thrill of it…

  5. Laini Taylor

    Kelly, I love that you compared finding art to falling in love unexpectedly — it really has been like that for you, and it’s wonderful to see! As for settling down and becoming at home in a new city, I know you want to feel like you’re at home, but the isolation can be very good for your artmaking in the beginning, too — moving to Portland and not knowing anyone, in the middle of a really wet winter, was the best thing that ever happened to Jim’s and my work habits! And you slowly explore, make friends, and all of that stuff, but in the midst of it all in the focal point of exploring this new universe in yourself. You’ll get there!

  6. Loralee Choate

    Personally, I think Sushi makes everything a helluvalot easier to handle.

  7. Bohemian Girl

    i think there is something in sushi that helps with clarity for sure. we’ve had many deep talks over sushi.

    you have had a lot of huge shifts in your life this past year. you are riding this wave brilliantly. it is wonderful to watch and so inspiring.

    love to you…xoxo

  8. liz elayne

    oh how i love this.

    i know i say it again and again…but i am so blessed to know you.
    (and when i finish what i am up to, i can’t wait to show you – how you “get” this new journey…the cracking open, the joy…love it)

    and i have found that conversations over sushi do indeed invite new moments of clarity.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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