sweet song of day

Oct 23, 2006 | Life in Progress

“Sweet Song of Day”
mixed media on wood

i’ve been feeling a bit muddied up these last couple of days – you know that feeling when something is not quite right, but you can’t put your finger on it? i was telling john this morning that i must start doing things that will connect me to this place. go hiking. go shopping. go walking. go exploring. to the museums. to the parks. i am so accustomed to doing these things together that i’m struggling a bit with the idea of doing them alone. john’s schoolwork is too demanding to afford much time to play here in this new city. it’s so weird. i’m not used to him being all about deadlines/studying/writing papers. though i’m incredibly proud of him, i must say that i feel a bit on my own when it comes to bonding to this place. his focus is where it should be: school. and school comes with a built-in schedule and support network of friends. so, i feel a bit like i’m floating along here, going where the wind takes me. i’m not incredibly motivated to get out and about – maybe because i feel my days are so full with work and art and the daily grind. or maybe it’s because i’m missing the start of autumn that i loved in the northwest. there’s something comforting about the start of autumn, the quiet that it brings after a busy and colorful summer. that hasn’t arrived here yet – i wonder if it will?

Sending much love,

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  1. Anonymous

    u know i love this one 2. very nice. alwayz great 2 c girlz wit color and da flower alwayz adds a special flare.

    nice, very nice. keep it up.

  2. Colorsonmymind

    It must be such an adjustment-all of it. I find getting outside doing the things you describe-to be so lifting and balancing. It is hard though to venture out alone when you are used to being with Jim while adventuring.

    Maybe you could collect things on your adventures and then share them with him over dinner – in a way sharing the adventure. It may also give you a destraction and purpose when going out to explore. Bring a pad and paper as your partner:)

    Sounds a bit bossy-don’t mean to be.

    Hugs and kisses to you
    Love the piece by the way:)

  3. tejae

    until your fall arrives you can share mine. I posted a picture of pikes peak and the fall colors of colorado at

    you could surprise him by creating a little artwork piece and stick it in his book. he’ll be pleasanly surprised with a little piece of you there with him.

  4. britt

    i love this new piece – quirky and observant. i never pictured that you would have this struggle, i always say your move as exciting. but, i guess i can totally relate to feeling somewhat alone when your partner is in grad school. boy can i! i actually enjoy quiet time to myself, so i hope you find ways to engage your new city. love b

  5. liz elayne

    it will be interesting to hear about autumn in your new city. maybe i should send you some northwest leaves from our backyard.

    i agree with jim’s words here. i think you will find the balance – because you are such a balanced person in so many ways already. but that step of connecting with the new world around you, that will infuse your creativity. maybe you need to go on little artist dates with yourself.

    (another new piece! oh i just love all this creating!)

  6. Jim Di Bartolo

    I realize that part of what you’re experiencing is that you’re in a new place & away from most of the people that you know. But you’re also exploring your creative side more than ever too, and that often will come at the price of having much of your social life taken away. Laini and I have experienced that tug of wanting to get a bunch of creative things done (which causes hermit-iness!) all the while longing for social interactions and real life adventure (even if it is only shopping or museums or what-not). I trust that you’ll find a good balance for yourself, but know that one of the drawbacks of being a creative person is that your “free time” will often be devoured by your desire (or need!) to get that next piece done!

    Good luck finding your balance Kelly 🙂 and I hope autumn and some homey comfort finds you soon.


  7. la vie en rose

    this piece is so beautiful.

    sometimes that first step out, alone, is the hardest but the one that is most needed…

  8. kerry

    i hope autumn does arrive for you…


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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