thank you

Dec 10, 2006 | Life in Progress

thank you alexandra, laini, and kristin for the beautiful and thoughtful care packages.
thank you alena for the soft and cozy scarf. i love your art!
thank you lisa and sarah for the sweet cards full of oregon fall leaves and your friendship.
thank you misty for the cd mixes (love them!).
thank you dierdre and zorana for the invitations to meet (it will happen).
thank you meg for reaching out to me with your letters and advent emails.
thank you gina for the endless phone conversations these past several months (and for the past 20 years, too)
thank you karen for all the magazines that arrived last week in the mailbox.
thank you roxanne for your cards that arrive every so often. i love getting them.
thank you to our new friends kelly and erik who we just love to death here in oakland.
thank you to all my blogging friends who have sent wishes of encouragement. your kindness astonishes me still.
thank you to my sister in law liz for being one of my biggest supporters and for calling to celebrate all the small milestones.
thank you to my mom for the same.
thank you garrett for traveling all the way to san fran to spend thanksgiving with us and to share in my first experience as a vendor at an art festival.
thank you john for your patience during all of our adjusting, your tenderness and sweetness, for all the little things, the back rubs, glassess of wine, snuggling, walks together, dinners in our apartment. one day, we’ll look back on all of this and realize life was much simpler than it felt at the time. i am so, so proud of us.

Sending much love,

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  1. lisa s

    Thank you Kelly for your friendship, it really means so much to me. I love you and love the relationship you and John share…what a blessing!Luv you! Miss you!!!!

  2. deirdre

    All these thank yous are inspiring. Yes, we’ll meet soon. Probably after the holidays when life returns to something more normal.

  3. Kristin

    Please let me know if you decide to make prints of your “clear amongst the stars” piece. I’d like to buy it and send it to a friend of mine with whom it suits perfectly…thanks! <3

  4. Alexandra S

    You are very welcome and thank YOU for being the wonderful and creative and kind soul you are too Kelly. I’m glad you are having chance at last to unwind this holidays and enjoy your life again. xoxo

  5. ceanandjen

    Your heart sounds so full of joy, and you have a wonderful group of supportive people around you. That is so lovely! Happy Holidays!!!

  6. Kristin

    I am so, so proud of you too and you are very welcome for the package…realy it helped my heart to be able to give as it did for you to recieve. Thanks for being My Sister. Love U Always. Kris


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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