travel lust

Jun 28, 2008 | Life in Progress

this shot was taken a couple of years ago – you can barely see me, but i’m there on the left with my down jacket (i call it my puff daddy jacket) tied around my waist. i’m looking over a cliff where down below rests a perfect little cove of a beach, a favorite surfing spot for the local oregonians, including john. we spent a lot of time here, and i miss it terribly. this is this oregon coast. magical. exquisitely gorgeous. moody and mysterious. i’m heading back to this area for a bit of a vacation – a gathering with some dear women in a few weeks, and i can barely wait.

hope you all have some some summer adventures, even if local (sometimes those are the best vacations, no?) up your sleeves. would love to know where you’re heading…or maybe your dream of all dreams of places to go (mine would be back to italy or new zealand!).

today is the last day of the giveaway. enter a comment to enter to win. this has been so much fun – thank you again for all the sharing and kindness. i’ve so enjoyed getting a peak inside your lives this week. thursday’s winner is jen lee! jen, get in touch with me and i’ll have your print out to you soon!

Sending much love,

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  1. Cheppobunny

    I would love to travel around the world! There are so many beautiful places outside your door….. Can’t decide where to go!! :o)

    In Germany there is a kind of wisdom, that means something like that:
    Why curving into the distance, if the good is right beside you!

    I would love to pilgrim my last tour again. It was 5 days on fields, woods and meadows. Hearing the birds twitter, smell the summer and see the beauty of the nature. Had no stress, no cell-phone, no internet or TV. Just relaxing for the soul!!!

    Hopefully I have more luck to win a giveaway today!!! ;o)))


  2. Kari

    oops! I was just reading the comments and realized that I posted my comment as anonymous! Silly me! Kari D.

  3. justagirl

    My daughter is off to see her Dad in Adelaide, Australia next week all by herself… a little bit exciting.

    I have never been anywhere in the northern hemisphere and would love to see a gazillion places.

    Also in my own country New Zealand, I have work in 6 galleries and there are 4 I haven’t even been to yet. so would love to do that at some stage.

    You would love New Zealand, really beautiful place and really friendly people.


  4. Heather,

    had a dream vacation last spring, driving with family up to Washington State, heading to Artfest, driving the Oregon/California coast, heading through the backcountry to Flagstaff and home to New Mexico…the coast was hauntingly beautiful in Oregon, so much rougher than California and California had so many variations along the route that it was amazing to think that I was seeing all one ocean!
    ps love the postcard packs, can’t wait to get out of the finanical doldrums, so I can pick up a a pack! what’s better than a postcard in the mail!?

  5. Kimberly B

    That photo is beautiful. I’d love to see that place in person.

    I dream of going to Ireland or Australia some day.

    I hope you’re having a lovely weekend.

  6. Christa

    I have never been to the west coast so I think that would be so much fun!

  7. Marilyn Rock

    I have two favorite vacation spots. One is in Cape Ann, Massachusets and the other is in my art studio 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I love the picture here!

  8. kt40

    the oregon coast is my favorite coastlines, the long beaches and the sound lovely, have a great time.kt

  9. Martine Hendrickx

    I hope you have a wonderful vacation. I need to wait for a few more weeks for mine. Martine

  10. sperlygirl

    i am living my dream vacation – it’s been 3 yrs and i still wake up and pinch myself to be sure it’s real. italy is so many things wrapped up in one. but there is so much more of this wonderful world i hope i have the chance to experience along my way. 🙂

  11. ambrella

    travel dream haiku

    dream of home sharing
    with kind and happy souls from
    Bali,Greece,not Earth

  12. Dana

    There is nothing to compare to the emotions that swell in your heart when returning to a place that you have loved before…

    My two year old and I will be returning “home” to our family this summer after living thousands of miles away for almost four years. I am excited to experience the things that I have loved growing up through her eyes (now that she is old enough to understand) and reconnect with family and friends I rarely see.

    As for places I desire to go…I want to go to Mesa, AZ, Rhinebeck, NY, the Grand Canyon, South of France, a tiny village in Italy, a beach in Bali… there are so many places for so many reasons, but mostly to feed my soul!

  13. melly~

    entering a comment so i can enter to WIN!

  14. Sheila

    Thanks for all the giveaways this week!! Very kind!!!

  15. Kathy L

    I nevthe coast ofer realized how beautiful the coast of Oregon is. It is now on my list…. I do love southern Spain though. I think I could live there! The people, the food, the history, the land…just beautiful.


  16. Sue Smith

    Summer holidays are 6 months away for me… guess that gives me a load of time to really plan something and do it!

    I’d highly recommend New Zealand – it’s landscape is so diverse and absolutely stunning… then it’s just a quick, hop, step, jump to Australia… I know I’m biased but we have one of the most stunning coastlines in the world, where I live! You should check it out sometime 🙂 Enjoy your summer, Kelly Rae and thank you for being so generous in your gift giving this week! You’ve been adding sp much joy to the lives of each recipient!

  17. Bunny B

    Italy is dreamy, right? 🙂 A Eurotrip would totally rock!

  18. joanie

    Oregon looks beautiful! I would love to go back to Hilton Head…we haven’t been there for 6 years!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  19. Toni

    Hi Kelly Rae,

    Just dropping to say a HUGE hello, it’s been ages since I left a comment, though I’ve been reading constantly. Congrats on the book, etc,

    Big hugs,
    Love Toni

  20. Michele P.

    very pretty photo! And it is magical, the way those clouds seem to be swirling around the peak at the top, it looks so tranquil.

  21. Jennifer/The Word Cellar

    hm… from that picture, i think i’d love to go to oregon! i dream of moody and mysterious coast lines. this year i’m headed to san francisco for blogher, new hampshire for squam, perhaps philadelphia for a family reunion, and the new jersey coast for a writing retreat with friends. my travel dreams include going to italy and iceland and back to the u.k.

  22. Trish

    My sister lives in the Pacific Northwest and I have been to the Washington & Oregon coasts numerous times… gorgeous! Enjoy your vacation and your time with your friends.

  23. Art-de-Mia

    Oh how I wish that I was planning a trip back to Italy! I lived in Florence for two summers and I miss the chaos. My heart is still there. Thanks so much for this exciting week!

  24. Diana

    No away vacation for me this year but hope to go to the west coast soon to visit with my daughter and her family.

    I love your art…it is fascinatingly beautiful. I’d have a hard time choosing just one, but would love the opportunity just the same!

  25. jessica crawford

    we hope to take our 3 year old to the beach for the first time. probably later in the year, though. i cannot wait to see her face when she sees the ocean! this summer we are working hard to make our home a nice place to come home to…maybe it will even feel like a vacation from the world when we’re done!

    miss kelly rae, blessings and good wishes to you as you set up your studio, travel to italy, release your book, and follow your heart.

    thank you again for your generosity!

  26. kaylafujimoto

    I am loving the picture. Your stripped hat makes it seem like a where’s waldo picture.

  27. jennifer

    My always yearned for spot is to go back to New Zealand too!

    Great post!

    We are spending maybe 2 weeks at Manzanita soon when Dave is recovering from surgery.


  28. Odd Chick

    thank you for your generousity by the way.

    I would love to go to Italy for an art class!

  29. Serena

    What a beautiful picture!

    We are in the middle of our winter DownUnder so, it’s 11am on a Sunday morning, and I’m still sitting here in my flannel PJs. lol I can’t complain though as our winters really aren’t that bad. My perfect summer would be exploring more of the Australian coastline. There’s lots of cool places to see and visit.

    LOVE your postcards, Kelly!

  30. Julie @ Letter9

    Mostly we’re just dreaming of moving home to upstate New York permanently, but if we can’t do that, we’ll be traveling there this summer. In our minds and in our car.

  31. Jonna

    Scotland to visit my very dear friend Maureen. She moved back to Scotland going on three years now and I miss her terribly. And I’ve always wanted to see Loch Ness and Nessie.

  32. Sandra

    Some cottaging with the kids.. in Quebec, Canada, and Burk’s Falls, Ontario.. would like to go to Mexico over Christmas! Also, would love to visit Portland one day – to see the Oregon coast, and visit a school I’m interested in (Process Work Institute)

  33. DeniseLynn

    well unfortunately no summer vacation for us this year but that’s ok, stuff happens and times are hard everywhere. in my dreams i will go to st. kitts; sister island to nevis. i’ve been there before and it was splendid. just the memory of it brings a smile to my heart.

  34. Kelly

    Kelly that picture is beautiful. it’s been years since ive been to the west coast. I”m a new englander and can’t imagine not living somewhere close to water. I spent some time in seattle and loved it but have never seen oregon. Will have to put that on my “bucket list”
    Love your work your an amazing talent. Thanks for sharing so much with us (your readers).

  35. Chrissie Grace

    I lived in Portland for about 4 years, and had some amazing camping trips on the Oregon coast. We live in FL so we spend a lot of our vacations at the beach. We’re here now!

  36. Luna

    Have a wonderful trip with safe travel. It’s gorgeous country! Even better when shared with good women friends!

    I’m so happy to hear you will be offering postcards of your work! fabulous idea. I hope to buy some with my next paycheck, sooner if there’s any $$ left in my checking account after paying bills 🙂


  37. bonnie

    I have always wanted to visit Oregon!!! Looks simply lovely and peaceful!

  38. Leslie

    I was just web surfing, hoping to find some places nearby with interesting things to experience! Being a tourist in my own backyard, I guess! There are so many treasures here in Wisconsin, and I realize I don’t have to go very far for an adventure.

    I hope you have a wonderful trip!!

  39. Teresa

    my heart is always at the oregon coast. can’t wait to go back. have a spectacular time while you are back in the northwest.


  40. malissa32

    i would love to go to seattle, boston, washington dc- the list is long. enjoy being back home.

  41. Sari

    I’m going to the Oregon coast this summer too and am looking forward to the amazing beauty that is my home state!


    We’ll be heading back to Maine this summer, to the beach we’ve been going to for 12 years. It is a magical, restorative place and soothes my soul. It is the place my boys think of when we say “beach” and it is where countless memories have been made. (We were supposed to go up for an overnight this weekend to celebrate my middle boy’s 8th grade graduation…but rain and his illness caused us to postpone the trip.)

    Enjoy your time with your friends when you head back to Oregon….another gem of a place. I think that the bluest sky I have ever seen was in Crater Lake. Breathtaking.

  43. stephanieb

    kelly–i know why i like you so much…you’re a beach girl like me 🙂

  44. Patti G.

    Hi Kelly! I love you in the picture! I feel like I have an amazing view each day, as I live near Lake Michigan and can see it daily! It is brilliant and colorful and inspiring to me!
    Sending hugs your way and thanks for the contest! Please enter me today on your last day!

  45. Karoeza

    Wouw, looks so pretty over there.
    We won’t go on vacantion this year,
    we are going to move in a copple of months

    But if i had a choice it would be
    Scotland, Wales, Ireland or North-west of France. Countries i would like to see for dightseeing but also for their huge history.

  46. Judy

    My dream vacation is to go on a walking tour in Italy and stay with local family and see thier village through their eyes!

    Love you art. Cant wait for your book!!

  47. Anonymous

    Oh my! that picture made me pine for the beautiful pacific northwest! I love the oregon coast and have had some of the best times of my life there. I always say that if I win the lottery I’ll buy a home in the PNW. So lovely.

    I recently bought a couple of your prints as a jumping off point for my daughter’s bedroom. They are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  48. onwingslikethese

    I am going to get to do quite a bit of traveling this summer. Mostly close to home, about two hours away to the beach for a day in July and then to the mountains in August for four days. We’ll also be going to New Hampshire for a week in August to visit family. We haven’t seen them since last November, so I am so excited! I miss my family so much.

    My dream vacation would be to go to Ireland or Paris or England . . . Ahhhhh . . . just to get off American soil and see other parts of the world, but definitely Ireland.

  49. Lelainia N. Lloyd

    My dream is to go to Alaska. I want to see how people live. I think it’s a naturally beautiful place and I would love to go off the beaten track.

    I would also like to visit Northern Canada and see our arctic circle. I’ve seen the Northern Lights before, but I would love to see them up there and perhaps also the midnight sun.

    Other than that, Tibet and Antarctica are on my must see list.

    (I know, I’m weird.)

  50. the camp

    oh my gosh….you have gotten so many comments during the giveaway! amazing. thanks for working with me this past week. i love seeing all that you are doing.
    enjoy your girlie trip. looks gorgeous. we have lots of corn fields here. lots of green at the moment.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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