a week in Florida

May 30, 2006 | Life in Progress

had a whirlwind week in florida.

there was my nephew’s graduation. i am so proud of that boy. and he’s in love, and it’s just so sweet to see two teenagers in love. so, so sweet.

there was the american idol finale, and the Lost finale. what fun. and i’m glad for taylor hicks. he makes me want to get up and shake my bootie.

there was lunch with sweet Ama, one of my dearest friends.

there was a breakfast with Liz, my sister/law, a lunch with Marilyn, my mom/law, and a supper cookout with John’s whole family!

there were 2 storms, complete with thunder, lightening, and heavy sheets of rain, something i truely miss here in the northwest.

there was sweet ice tea, the real thing. grits. oh, how i miss those, too. and southern bbq with baked beans!

there were walks on the beach, toes in the warm Atlantic water, and many, many shell searches. we stayed at a friend’s beach condo almost the entire week. what a treat it was, indeed.

there was a baby shower i put together for my dear friend kimmie which included a reunion of old girlfriends. so much fun.

there was catching up with my mom, greggie, and my sister, and lots of laughter involving 8th grade humor.

there was sleeping in, late nights, and a whole week of hot, humid weather, which i actually quite enjoyed.

and there were lots of “ya’lls” and a bit of southern accent in my own voice creeping in for a visit.

today, back in portland, the weather was incredible. john and i slept in, then ventured to our favorite breakfast joint, then went for a long bike ride all around the city. then a bit of unpacking, loving on my dog, and my husband. i missed john so much. i pretty much talked his ear off for much of the morning recapping the entire trip.

here are some pics from the week:

sarah, kimmie, me, and allison at the baby shower

marilyn, liz, and griffon, liz’s really cute dog

my parents with my nephew jonathan on graduation day

me, mom, and my sister

Sending much love,

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  1. megg

    it sounds like you had a wonderful time! Sigh. Seeing family and friends and being rooted is so important. I bet the art you make in the next little while will be inspired!! glad you’re back!

  2. andrea

    You all have the exact SAME eyes. I love it! My family is the same. What great shots and I am so glad you are having a wonderful time.

  3. Teresa

    Glad you had such a wonderful time with your family! Funny you should mention sweet tea–my husband is from the south so I always have to have a supply of sweet tea in the frig.

  4. Kristin

    I’m glad you had a great visit.

  5. liz elayne

    kelly dear, it sounds like you had so much fun! love to hear the happiness in your “voice” – the joy of the trip and the joy of being home…
    missed you girl…

  6. britt

    oh how i miss those electrifying florida thunderstorms and the wet grass afterwards…we are having a horrid dry spell in atlanta. i’m glad you had fun! such nice pictures!


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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