what still pulls on your soul?

Oct 28, 2013 | Life in Progress

(A passage from The Terma Collective)

I came across this passage several years ago and it changed my life. What still pulled on my soul was the quiet and then not-so-quiet call to become an artist. One tiny step after the next, and I found myself in the center of my life’s dream. Remarkable.

And now, all of these years later, in the quiet pauses between the noises of work and business and mothering and living a deliciously full life, I’m hearing a new call to push up against a new edge of this creative life. To tell my story and express my work in the world in new ways.

It might not look like much, but renting this projector felt like the scariest thing I’ve done in years. Because it meant that I had committed. To using it. To teach. To not just believing my story mattered but telling it. In front of people. 
I was nervous, but I did it. And the lesson of doing the things we didn’t think we could do circled back around to my heart and taught me all of it’s valuable, heart centering lessons all over again. The ones about making small moves while trusting that all the bigger metaphysical moves will shift with us. The ones about stepping into our courage because it allows us to witness our lives from a different angle. The ones about embracing our vulnerabilities and trusting the process of answering the urges, even when we’ve got gremlins galore.
I’m reminded of a quote that also changed my life not so long ago:
“….the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.” – WH Murray
I can’t say for sure, but I’m thinking that the small but big move of renting the projector and then actually using it during a small, sweet conference this past weekend, was the beginning of something new. It’s been a long time since I felt a sense of absolute relief (and a smidge of pride) that comes after we’ve pushed ourselves. I’m just so glad I did it.

Big thanks to all the lovely and amazing ladies that came and held that space for me as we learned from each other. Super grateful. 

Sending much love,

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  1. Laura Haviland

    Kelly Rae,
    What you share is always so powerful and makes me say aha to myself..You inspire and touch my heart.Thank you for sharing the strong confident women you are. You make me try harder and stay strong too. Hugs,Laura.xoxo

  2. Kathy - yinyangmother

    What a lovely post Kelly-Rae – coming across you via IBOT for the first time. You have captured fear and turned it into excitement, transformation. And as you say it all comes down to trust – if we take a small step the universe will catch us up to where we need to be. And judging from the previous comment you know Brene Brown? (lucky you).

  3. Pretty Postures

    Kelly Rae: it was such a treat to hear you share your story at this weekend's retreat. If you were nervous it didn't show at all. Thank you so much for inspiring me in a big way! I love stories of transformation and making dreams come true. Yours is especially powerful because your dreams came true in such a big way. I came to your workshop unsure of my next step and left feeling like anything is possible, when I commit to it. Thank you! –Lisa McCrossan (the one sitting to your right at your first session who asked you how you knew Brene Brown)

  4. Anna O.

    I feel so lucky to have been there Kelly Rae. You transformed that space in such a beautiful way and everything that followed was brilliant. I'll never forget it and very much look forward to the powerful ways you will continue to share your story. Forever grateful.

  5. Hilary

    The Terma Collective quote is so powerful. Every time I read it I can feel the tears in my eyes and fire in my soul. I am longing for the life of my dreams and you are such an inspiration to take small steps to get there. Today I am hearing the gremlins but moving forward anyway. xoxo


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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