A few good things

May 6, 2014 | Life in Progress

I have so much to tell you guys. Honestly, life feels like it has taken off and I’m barely hanging on in many ways. Lots of really good stuff, and some challenges, too. I’m embracing the ebb and flow and trusting in all of it.

While I try and gather and sort myself out, I thought I’d share some a few good things that have caught my attention in recent weeks……

Brene posted this video on her blog awhile back and it GRABBED me. This kind of stuff in on my mind constantly as I parent True. If you have a boy in your life (that’s all of us!), check out this video. I also recently read this book – a total game changer and highly recommended. This one too! 
Speaking of Brene, are you guys taking part 2 of her course on Oprah.com? If so, you may have seen me in week 2’s creative video. Remember when I was a guest for part 1 of her course? That was super fun. I was so lucky to do it all over again for part 2. It’s SUCH a great course – honored to have been a small part of the experience. Love everything Brene is doing. 

Some other fun things my friends are doing:
* Andrea is making Super Hero necklaces in perfect timing for Mother’s Day!
* Lacy is beginning drop in group health coaching! Affordable, loving, supportive. So smart! 
* Lynx has a shiny new website! So proud of her.
* Pixie is totally rocking it, Flora too. 
Got to hang with one of my favorite people on the planet yesterday after her book reading. You know that ee cummings poem, I carry your heart? Mati new kids book is an illustration of that poem and it's sooooooooo amazing and sweet. I teared up as she rea
* Mati Rose has illustrated a book based on E.E. Cummings famous poem,  I Carry Your Heart With Me. It’s totally adorable, as is Mati. 
Blog love:
* You guys I am LOVING this amazing woman at Vintage Revivals. Every single room reveal is inspiring! Holy smokes! 
* I’m also loving Design Mom. She recently moved and watching her new home come together is inspiring. Also really appreciate her honestly about the stress that she felt during and after her move. I can so relate! 

* I CANNOT believe how long it’s taken me to share this (forgive me, Flyers!), but ten of my students from my 2012 Flying Lessons ecourse did the coolest thing and created simultaneous Kindness Missions! They love-bombed their neighborhoods, strangers, bus drivers and loved ones around the world and they made it all into a blog series! Each blog links to the others so start anywhere! HOW CUTE ARE THEY?
Self Care: 
Got a new hairdo yesterday and today I did something I've never done before and got a makeup lesson! Turns out I had so much to learn! Love saying yes lately to things I had convinced myself I didn't have time for. #untrue #helloadventure #newbeginnings

A few weeks ago, I did something I’ve never done before. I had my first ever make up lesson and it was amazing! I went to see Kirstie – same sweet soul who did my make-up for the videos in my art ecourse that launched earlier this year. First, we went to Sephora and she helped pick out the products I needed. As someone who has no idea what I’m doing when it comes to make-up, this was really huge. It reminded me of the time when Myriam showed me around the Whole Foods, carefully explaining what everything was in the produce section, how to cook it, etc, except this time it was a make-up store. Seriously, friends. I need all the help I can get. Anyway, Kirstie picked out essential things like blush, foundation, lip color, etc. She also picked out things I would have never thought to consider but have turned out to be really great, like matte primer for my foundation (I am super oily), and eyebrow filler. Then, we went back to her studio for the lesson on how to apply it all. She would do one side of my face, and I’d do the other. I learned so much! The goal was a quick and easy routine for everyday makeup. It’s been a few weeks since my lesson, and, I’ve kept up the routine. The entire thing takes about 10-12 minutes each morning, and I feel so much more confident with make-up in general. Who knew? 
More soon,

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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