I made a new art print for us, and it comes straight from what I want more of in 2025: Quiet, steady joy that I can anchor myself to. For me, it’s a powerful gut check: Does this decision, this path, this project bring joy? If yes, I follow it. If no, I pause, recalibrate, and listen more closely.
I have always struggled with my inner drill sergeant, and I suspect I always will. She’s all about high expectations, chasing goals, meeting deadlines, and staying productive. She’s been a great teacher to me, a reminder to constantly recalibrate toward joy being the root of all that I create.
My wish for all of us as we step into 2025 is that we stay open to what lights us up. That we notice the small, quiet whispers—the ones that call us toward more alignment, more meaning, more deep seated joy. And that when we lose our way, we recalibrate as often as we need to.
Tiny, tender steps, friends. And joy. Always joy.

Tiny, tender steps, friends. And joy. Always joy.