
There’s lots to explore here.
Since 2005, I’ve been detailing my life from social worker to artist to entrepreneur and all the living in between.
I’m so glad you’re here.

Being A Mama

a blinking nose…

a blinking nose…

We are in the season. All in. True made his first tiny adorable snowman. We will remember it always. He also got a...

A growing True!

A growing True!

He was the most adorable baby. And he cracked my heart and life open. Wide open. Nothing has been the same since he...

22 months.

22 months.

22 months. Counting. Talking in 3 word sentences. Repeats everything we say. Into everything. VIGOROUS. Hugging and...

21 months…

21 months…

I've been carrying him more and more in the ergo. I know these days are coming to an end soon, and I just want to have...

huge heart

huge heart

I'm pretty sure it's heaven on earth when your baby starts to run toward you with "mama!" and big hugs.  My heart...

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Hello + welcome!

Hey there, I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I was an artist, I was a social worker. And then at the age of 30, I started playing with paint, and everything about my life changed. Today I'm passionate about making meaningful art while helping other women explore their creativity, nourish their souls, and build thriving creative businesses.

I live in a tiny town named Sisters, Oregon with my husband John, our son True, and our two English Bulldogs, Lulu Butter Butterbean and Amelia Apple Bottoms. I deeply believe that anything is possible, one small and brave step at a time.


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