True is 17 months. 17 months! He is hilarious, super wordy, sweet, and all things joyous. Sometimes when we’re falling asleep or out to dinner or anywhere without him, we’ll get out our iphones and re-watch recent videos of him. We are totally in love, in like, and just so proud.
I was re-reading an old Somerset Life magazine a few weeks ago (months ago, maybe?) and I clipped a specific article by Pixie Campbell. Oh how I just adore her writing and having met her briefly just once (in a bathroom – years ago!), I know without a doubt that she’s got a lot of soul and wisdom to offer as a mama (I got all of that at the bathroom sink!). Since meeting her I’ve become a mother and I often think of her, what advice she would give, how she’s doing, how she’s handling the spiritual journey of parenting.
There is a section of her article that leapt out to met:
“The deep nature of being a new mother lacks a name or a specific job description. There is no satisfying expression for what feels like watching shooting stars overfill the night sky as we struggle to imprint the beauty and breathlessness of each of them into our memories. Being an artist already fells like the volume is turned up on every encounter, and, for me, being a mother intesifies things even more.”
Yes, yes, YES. This is exactly it. Every now and again, I stumble upon a string of words that describe this motherhood experience perfectly. And Pixie has done is beautifully. She is right. It’s like watching shooting stars fill the sky and trying to capture them all only to realize that what makes them so beautiful and breathless and amazing is that they weren’t meant to be captured. They were meant to be seen, and felt.
Reminds me of that quote that says we don’t remember days or specific moments, but rather how we felt. That’s what I’m trying to capture everyday with True. I know the shooting star moments will come and go – I can’t remember and capture them all – but I want to always remember how this time feels. It feels full, bright, tender, and like Christmas Morning magic every day.