dear you, now is the time.

May 8, 2012 | Life in Progress

I love this so much – had to share. I think speaking our truth can look differently for all of us, but the shaking voice is always there, especially in the beginning.
sincerely faith
 (Sincerely, Faith – print available here, original sold)
For many of us speaking our truth is finally following our true north, the thing that calls to us from the depths of our hearts. Our steps to pay attention are shaky at first, but one tiny step forward leads to the next until before we know it the ground isn’t shaking anymore and our truths are being lived. The journey requires faith in ourselves, in the intuition and wisdom that live within. It doesn’t matter what our specifics truths are, we just have to tell them, live them, breathe them, excavate them, cultivate them, nurture them – until our voices are no longer shaking.

Is your current deepest calling to find more playful joy in our days? Is it to tell someone you’ve fallen in love? Is it to let go of an old story we’ve told ourselves about ourselves that isn’t real or true? Is it to rediscover a passion? Is it to embrace an uncertain future with the utmost courage and faith? It is to trust that you can (and should) make your dreams real? Whatever it is, shaky voice 100% expected, necessary, and par for the course. It’s a part of the journey of telling, living, breathing your truth – and having faith.

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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