finished product!

Feb 7, 2006 | Life in Progress

so here is the back of the hardback book cover that i altered. the face is my niece Rebecca and i made her dress and body out of watercolor paper. the sun is more tin ceiling. and the grass is masking tape, and the sky is painted tissue paper. cute!

here is the finished product showing front & back. it can be a journal, photo album, whatever. it’s bound together with all sorts of fun ribbon. i’m happy with it, though i know i’ll want to change it the moment my fresh eyes see it in the morning…

the sun came out yesterday and today, and it’s supposed to stay sunny all week! the weather guy said it had rained 45 days in a row. i suppose this week is our reprieve until the next gloom and doom arrives. life feels so much lighter when the sun is out.

4th bikram was much, much better than the first 3. i can tell my flexibility is already coming back. it feels good.

Sending much love,

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  1. Liz S

    Seeing your new piece just cheers my day. It’s really amazing!

  2. Kristin

    That is my favorite piece of your artwork so far! I love it!!!!

    I tried finding my baby album over the holidays at moms but had no luck. Mom said we made copies of some of the pics we had for you a couple years ago but I really don’t remember that…Anyways I hope I can find it or atleast this one particular picture because I’d love to see what you could do with it!

    P.S. I’m planning on hanging the pic you made for us in our downstairs bathroom because the colors match and the br is cattycorner to the back porch sliding glass doors so the sun always peers into that bathroom. I will post it later. I’m trying to think of a place to find a good frame for it but I’m not sure what size I would need…when I have more time I’ll play around with it…Hope you’re having a good week! Love, Kris


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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