happy and free

Jan 5, 2006 | Life in Progress

i love the feeling of driving on the highway, good tunes on the radio, singing out loud. happy. and free. i just love that feeling. on the way back from seeing a movie with lisa tonite, i had that experience. an old song from James came on the radio and i was just singing and happy and portland looked so beautiful all lit up in the night skyline. and for a few moments, nothing matters, i am light as a feather. this feeling is why i love road trips so much.

earlier today i was driving on the highway (again) and mt hood and mt st helens were out in full view, covered with snow, and just glorious. today was the first day in a very, very long time (since before the holidays) that the sun has come out. i sat on the couch for a little while and soaked it in while i read a little of my book (almost done with A Million Little Pieces).

i’m struggling a little bit with post holiday stuff. it always takes me a week or so to decompress after the holidays, especially if we travel. so, i’ve just been trying to get back into a routine. i’ve been running this week, and the knee is so far, so good. we’ll see.

still no word from rhode island. john talked to the admissions man and he said letters were being formulated this week. at this point, all applications are complete and have been mailed. thank god. what a process. and now more waiting begins. john found out that UNF is starting a program this year, and they are accepting applications this month. so really, just one more application. that would be so weird if we ended up back in jax for 2 years.

i’m in a full on search for a red wine that i can fall in love with. we went to a wine tasting place down the street from us today, but they’re on holiday for another week. i want a red wine that i can come home to, drink at the end of the day, and just really enjoy. nothing dry or too sweet. just in between would suffice. any suggestions?

gina’s coming for a visit next week. i can’t wait to see her big pregnant belly, and of course i can’t wait to see her, too. it will be the last time i see her before she has the baby. we’ve known one another since we were 12 and i still can’t believe that the next time i see her after next week she’ll be a mom with a newborn. crazy.

i haven’t made any art in awhile. i’ll get back into the swing of things soon.

so far, i’ve kept up with my goals for the new year: my gratitude journal, my vitamins, including my flax seed (it’s the best mixed in with yogurt) and my liquid calcium that tastes so yummy (thanks jessica for the tip). john says i really need the vitamins because i don’t get enough veggies, and he’s right. though, i am trying. i’ve come a long way just in the last 5 years. hell, i never really tried salad until my cross country road trip with karen after college. and i’m still very picky about my lettuce. it has to be romaine. no tomatoes, or any extras. just the lettuce and some dressing. and it has to be either balsamic vinaigrette or caesar. i’m working my way up to more complicated dressings and ingredients. it seems like every couple of months i make a grand food discovery. last month it was yams. they’re so good! and yogurt was new for me exactly one year ago. and i’ll never forget when i discovered grilled zucchini. i owe john’s dad for that one.

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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