Jan 8, 2006 | Life in Progress

things are settling down a bit and i’m settling in a bit. i’m in a TCB kind of a mood today. so, i’m taking down our little christmas tree, paying bills, running errands, and ordering all sorts of prints from pics we’ve taken the last 6 months. i’m even gonna vacuum and do laundry (2 things i dread). and in about one hour, jessica and sarah are picking me up to go for a run outside. it’s not raining right now and i hope it stays that way, though it’s quite dreary and cold. for me, it’s very hard to run outside during the rainy season. and running on a treadmill sucks. john and i ran earlier this week outside, but otherwise i’ve been forced to the treadmill because it’s so dark and wet and cold and raining almost every single day after work (and before). i can’t wait for PortlandFit to start again in April because that’s when we’ll really pick up our running season with consistent runs throughout the week outside.

sometimes i daydream about living somewhere more sunny. i don’t even mind the cold. it’s the rain. i want more sunshine. but we love portland. it’s a constant struggle. visiting kimmie last month at her home on the beach really made me think about coastal living. i could totally get into that and john would be in heaven if there was surf. the possibilities make me smile.

mason jennings is coming to portland feb 8th. john and i and roxanna bought our tix yesterday. can’t wait to hear “butterfly” and all my other favorites.

john and i toured yoga studios yesterday. we’re trying to find one that is a) affordable and b) offers classes at the right times. i can’t get over the cost- so friggin expensive. there is a bikram studio just up the road that offers an introductory price of $29 for a month of unlimited yoga. we’ll likely try it out, but i just keep remembering when ali tried bikram and said she’d never do it again. and ali is a tough girl. i’ll try it. hopefully i don’t collapse in the heat.

after i finish TCB today, i’m looking forward to settling in with a cup of hot tea and reading my new favorite magazines: somerset studio, somerset workshop, and cloth paper scissors.

3 more days until gina arrives (and zach, too).

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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