2007 was a crazy year

Jan 1, 2008 | Yearly Recaps

(oh yes we did…go cart racing is a hilarious amount of fun. happy new year from us, to you…xo)

what i’m thinking and pondering as 2008 enters my life: “I will grow. I will become something new and grand, but no grander than I now am. Just as the sky will be different in a few hours, its present perfection and completeness is not deficient, so am I presently perfect and not deficient because I will be different tomorrow.” (Dr. Wayne Dyer)

it’s the close of the year. a window of time, locked away in my memory, a small reflection of who i was and who i am becoming. for me, this has become a time to reflect on what’s passed, what’s coming, what worked, what didn’t work, all of it. i also love the practical side of the end of the year – i go into reorganization mode by clearing out files, rearranging furniture + closets, making a new budget. call me crazy, but i love this stuff.

so yes, this has been a year to remember. 2007. so many lessons learned. so many dreams realized and steadily on their way to life. it seems like so much life and personal expression exploded, not only inside the landscape of my heart, but also in my real, everyday life. this year, more than ever, i’ve learned that we are very much the creators of our intention. and with intention, comes heart. with heart comes passion. with passion comes flow. and the rest just happens with a little bit of effort. and gratitude.

i am thankful, beyond words for all of it. the struggles. the aches + pains. the very steep learning curve of creating a life out of making art and writing. the endless joy and smiles and celebrations. it’s been a crazy. brilliant. joyous. unbelievable. hard. happy. lucky beyond measure. year.

here are some snapshots of a year that included many wide smiles, joyful tears, messy tears, adjustment issues, once-in-a-lifetime moments, and many, many firsts.

1. there were a few of these days…when all feels overwhelming. we all have these days. i remember feeling insecure about posting this entry, but wanting to stay true and expressive of a life in progress.
2. my first gallery show in LA. my first first.
3. the perpetual search for this. (all year long and it continues..)
4. my first time being a vendor at artfest. my second first.
5. a visit from one of my favorite portland peeps. what hilarious fun we had!
5.5 a very bad day..or a stream of consciousness about all the hard days that came with adjusting from our move from oregon to california (we’re better now, thank you!).
6. my first book deal (whoa) which is really why i was jumping up and down inside this other post which came months before i officially announced the big news. my third first.
7. my first acupuncture treatment which gave me more than i could have ever expected and sent me into messy tears, then clarity, then acceptance. my fourth first.
8. working very hard to keep this at bay (though i will admit it creeps in still, from time to time)
9. my first time being published in a magazine (cloth/paper/scissors x 2 – super fun/life changing experience for me for which i am forever grateful). my fifth first.
10. a lot of love and seaglass finding with my man. more love on our big day, too.
11. learning the lesson of surrender. and how to get out of a funk. the blessings of said funk. and a funny glimpse into book writing overwhelm.
11. a trip to cincinnati with these dream-makers and visionaries.
12. a much needed fun trip to nyc with my girlie friends.
13. my first time vending at art&soul. another first. my sixth first.
14. being reminded that i don’t. have. to. know.
15. a wondrous 32nd birthday complete with the best green gift ever.
16. my first time having a booth at a major art festival in CA. my seventh first.
17. my first radio interview. my eighth first.
18. christmas joy in meeting this woman and the gift she gave to us.
19. and finally, where we are right now. in portland. on vacation. soaking in all the blessings of a year that unfolded into wonder and continues, still.

More small steps from 2007:

* Had a booth at the 37th annual KPFA art festival held in San Francisco. This was a large juried event – a favorite San Francisco holiday art + craft fair. I was honored to have one of my images used for their poster this year – very, very cool. Read more + see photos here.
* Had my second article published in the Nov/Dec issue of Cloth Paper Scissors magazine. Article was about how to create patchwork collage paintings. Loved the response to this article and all the artmaking that came out of it!
* Embraced vulnerabilities.
* Where I wrote the book.
* Sold originals and prints at Portland’s Art&Soul vendor night. What a great experience – met a ton of new people and it was my first time vending at this art retreat – read more + see photos here.
* Left my part-time social work job to focus on art full-time. This was huge.
* Went to Ohio to meet with my publisher – a total grown up experience.
* Worked on book projects non-stop. Poured my heart into it.
* Was published in Alena Hennessy’s new book Alter This!: Radical Ideas For Transforming Books Into Art, a book geared toward teaching kids the basics about altered art.
* Was featured on decor8, a popular website featuring design inspired goods, indie art, and decor tips. Was also interviewed over at indie/pretty/perfect and on the wonderful Jen Lemen’s blog.
* A more cohesive style emerged.
* Gremlins found me.
* Signed on with North Light Books to write an inspirational/artsy book to be released Aug/Sept 2008.
* Attended Artfest for the second time – amazing experience. Sold originals & prints on vendor night (first time). Read more + see photos here.
* Spilled myself into a book proposal.
* Participated in the Girly Show, a group show at the Deja Design Gallery in LA. The artists included myself, Christine Mason Miller, Penelope Dullaghan, Mati Rose, Marisa Haedike, and Outi Harma. Seriously, an incredible experience and one of my all time favorite evenings. Read more + see photos here.

Sending much love,

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  1. sandra f.

    Just wanted to tell you that I love that you are so honest with your feelings about creating art and being discovered in the art world!! It is so good to see that you can express in words and in art your honesty and human-ness!! Makes the rest of us feel like our thoughts make sense after all!! Love, Love your art, it is truely amazing with it’s use of pattern and color and wording!! May 2008 be have even more firsts for you!!! and some comfortable second times too!!!

  2. * mY fRiEnDs cALL mE Rella *

    Well, Sweet Pea, I think you better hold on to your hat(s) because I am positive that 2008 will be even more amazing. It’s a joy to watch from afar.

    xo Rella

  3. jacki janse van rensburg

    thank you for putting your kind, sensitive, sometimes insecure artistic soul out there for us to see. i love that you always share a little of yourself in every blogpost, this is what makes me pop in here almost every day, from south africa. your beautiful way of expressing yourself in writing that is almost poetic, along with your amazing art, is a little ray of sunshine in my days.
    i wish you lots of growth in 2008, but may it be a little less painful…

  4. Swirly

    My goodness…I can’t wait to see what unfolds for you in 2008. No matter what you do you will continue to shine a wonderful light on the world, my dear. Happy New Year. xoxo

  5. Joy Logan

    WOW great year you had and many many more!

  6. matirose

    damn girl!
    i cannot wait to see what beholds 2008!

  7. Cre8Tiva

    may you have many more firsts in 2008…visitng you always brightens my day…may the spirit of a new year fill your home with an abundance of love, laughter, and joy…may the magic of the moment bring peace to your heart all year long…may your creativity take you to amazing places and may you experience the resulting bliss…much love to all of you and your family…rebecca

  8. suz

    thank you for sharing your heart in this post. your artwork is inspiring but after reading several of your posts your heartfelt honesty is even more so. i can relate to many of the things your wrote about…my goodess “imposter syndrome” – i thought that one was just me!! thank you, thank you, thank you for being brave enough to share your joys and tears here. wishing you love, laughter and success in 2008.
    ciao bella!

  9. melissa

    Hope you have a wonderful 2008! Its been a joy reading your blog…and of course meeting you at the Girly Show. Hope to see you again in the new year! melissa

  10. Stephanie Lee

    To write all my thoughts this post conjures up would take me until next year (in only 15 minutes PST!) 🙂 and I can’t miss our little ritual of pot and pan banging on the front porch and a few firecrackers. No loud parties for us. Nope. Just we four. close and happy and comfortable….I’m getting sidetracked. You, my dear, are a blessing to all who’s eyes are open to see your light (if not blinded by it).

    Happy New Year to you both.

  11. Kirsten Michelle

    we’ve rung in the new year and i’m heading off to bed…i’m forever grateful 2007 led me here…to your wonderful blog and extraordinary talent.
    wishing you a wonderful 2008…i’m so excited for your new book, sweetie 😉
    love to you,

  12. Sherry

    Kelly Rae…you are an inspiration to me (and I’m sure to others). I love how you are viewing the year past, the year forward…growth is continuous and it’s an enriching process.

    Wishing you a very happy new year..filled with blessings of love, laughter, joy and inspiration..in abundance!!


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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