Life with True

Jul 21, 2014 | Being A Mama, Life in Progress

For some reason, gigantic life altering spiritual opportunities are falling into my path left and right this last month. I have no idea what is going on, but I just keep saying yes to them and to those that are ushering me toward them. It's totally amazin

I stumbled on this photo today of when I was 7 mos pregnant with True and the beams of light connecting my heart to my belly give me chills and clarity all over again. Thank you Andrea for capturing this all those years ago. It delights the deepest part of my spirit, this photo.

I thought I’d share some recent capture of True and his shiny spirit…..

We put a swing in our new front yard. I’m thinking it’s gonna be in our lives a very long time. It was so sweet to witness True seeing it for the first time in our front yard, running straight for it with a wide smile. It’s the littlest things, no?

I was a nervous wreck, but boy did he LOOOOVVVEE it. Nothing but giggles. 

John recently took him to the kiddie ride park. When they got home True said (with squeals), “I tried something I’ve never done before. I rode the ROLLERCOASTER!!!!!’ Yeah, yeah, I was super brave, Mama.” Totally adore him. I love how our kids are our teachers. He teaches me to play, to be brave, to feel my emotions, and to try new things.

I cannot believe he was a newbie just three years ago. This time on earth really is the longest, shortest time. And motherhood made me a newbie too, in all the best (and sometimes hardest) ways. This is love. And it’s a journey of a lifetime.

We love this shirt by Geo Fox. True is super athletic (bikes! scooters! soccer!), super loves big kids (doesn’t quite know what to do with kids his own age yet), and super loves his guitar and music. It’s not uncommon to hear him singing “all you need is love” to himself at the top of his lungs after bedtime reading. He loves dancing and running around wild while also sincerely asking about your day, your highs and lows, and more. If he’s comfortable, he’s also a natural director and likes to direct all activity, when it happens, how it happens, who does what, etc.  I just love his well roundedness. And his heart. 

Last day in HI. We've had a full house of friends and visitors the last couple of days. Perfect way to end the trip. Also, bah bye snow cones. We're gonna miss you.
And these two. An intuitive once told me that True had been knocking on our door for about 10 years. She said he and John had travelled together many times and he was insistent they travel together again. As soon as she said it, I knew it to be true. These two are deeply intertwined, and totally in love. It’s a beautiful thing to witness. I am a lucky lady. 

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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