Weekly Update – My Heart Grew W-I-D-E

Apr 15, 2016 | Life in Progress

I’m obsessed with Instagram – it’s my favorite online home! Here’s a recap from the last week, and for those of you who aren’t on Instagram, come and join me! And you can click here to see all the Instagram updates right here on my blog!

Friday, April 8

Seek Beauty reminds me to keep my eyes open for the beauty that’s all around me, all the time. Our to-do list and the pain in the world can sometimes make us forget to celebrate how much goodness, joy and love there is in our lives. Ultimately, Seek Beauty is about returning to this simple truth: Life is messy, precious and so very beautiful. Print available from the shop

Saturday, April 9

I gave my KRR headpiece planter sample (that never made it to market) a head of flowers today. Love. Saturday’s are for puttering. And lounging. And frolicking. And day dreaming. Currently day dreaming about a new layout for our living room.


Another favorite Saturday activity: finally hanging up the GORGEOUS wild life painting that my brilliant friend @jennifermercede painted for True’s room and tidying up this space a bit. Man, I love that painting. If you look closely you’ll find Lulu in the painting as well!

Here’s the full art piece from my earlier post. Swoon. And I love how Lulu made the cut! Art by @jennifermercede!

Monday, April 11

I know I’ve said it a million times but this dog is our family’s spirit dog/animal/playmate/companion. Love, and more love. Her wild puppyness comes out the most when people come over. She can’t contain her joy and we are working on “off” as in stop jumping all over the place and trying to climb up our friend! Wouldn’t it be hilarious (and kind of sweet) if we humans showed our uncontained joy when we saw one of our friends? I wonder what that would look like? I bet it would FEEL amazing. Wait. Sorry! This is a question I’d ask my five year old! Sometimes my parent self seeps into my social media self. I’ll stop now;) Happy Monday friends!

Trust Your Heart Out - Print - Kelly Rae Roberts - prints - Mantras

Trust Your Heart Out reminds me that joy is the truest and clear guide – always. Because we can be overwhelmed by so many options, or feel pressure to do what others expect, and still get quiet enough and clear enough to connect to our joy. Ultimately, Trust Your Heart Out is about returning to this simple truth: Joy is your compass forward. Trust it.


 Wanted to make my own version of Stay True. In progress and loved creating for a little bit today. 

Tuesday, April 12

Your Messy Beautiful Life - Kelly Rae Roberts - prints - Girls

I think life’s intimacy meet us in those thin places where things are both messy and beautiful, where perhaps our hearts feel like train wrecks but we still work to see the delicate beauty that lives in those spaces. Transitions are where the ground is fertile for this kind of intimacy: grief work, new parenthood, any experience where we are forced to transform into a new way of being in the world.

My messiest, most beautiful moments have been potent these last five years. Becoming a mother, especially those first few months after True’s was born were both terrifying and love drunk all at once. Strengthening my partnership with John has been (at times) messy, hard, but also a beautiful birthing experience for both of us that requires us to rise up and meet the highest, wisest versions of our selves. Not easy, but worth it.

These are the moments. They force us to trust our own hearts, stay a little longer in what feels hard, and come through with a clearer sense of not just ourselves, but also how joy and hard often live together, and how that is a beautiful, messy truth.
XO friends! (If you’re interested in this new print, it’s available in the NEW shop!)

Wednesday, April 13

A tree heart for you on this lovely Wednesday morning.

We’re looking downright strange and quirky as we have fun with the new fisheye lens on my phone. Today he told me, “my silver lining for not being allowed to watch the iPad during my snack is hearing about your life.” Aww, thanks True. I love how interested he is in my stories about life – well most of the time anyway. We’ve been talking a lot too about growing our courage muscles which he did in a big way yesterday (with much encouragement) participating in a children’s theater workshop. And today he was quite chatty about said courage muscles. “Mom! I think my heart grew this w-I-d-e (insert arms stretching wide)!” In the deep and wide and often hard world of parenting and growing up, THESE are the moments worth seeing for all their golden treasures.

Thursday, April 14

Hope Full Soul - Kelly Rae Roberts

Hope Full Soul was born out of my own practice to remain hope-filled despite the obstacles along the way. We sometimes forget, but the truth is that remaining hopeful is often the most radical and bravest thing we can do. (Print available from my shop!)

That’s it for this week! Check back here next week for another update, or join us over on Instagram for daily photos and thoughts!

Kelly Rae


Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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