Weekly Update – Sending up prayers and more prayers

Nov 20, 2015 | Life in Progress

I’m obsessed with Instagram – it’s my favorite online home! Here’s a recap from the last week, and for those of you who aren’t on Instagram, come and join me! And you can click here to see all the Instagram updates right here on my blog!

Friday, November 13

I took a short trip to Manzanita yesterday with a couple of girlfriends. This little town holds so much magic for me. It would be a dream to be able to own a little cabin here someday. The weather was gorgeous and so much peace in my soul. Love you, #manzanita!
– See more at: http://iconosquare.com/viewer.php#/detail/1021310411454761888_4682769
NOTICE: You are hereby allowed to be happy, to love yourself, to realize your worth, to believe in great things, and to be treated with love and respect. I’ve seen this quote floating around the Internet, and I adore it. Good reminder going into the weekend,
my friends. Have a great one! – See more at: http://iconosquare.com/viewer.php#/detail/1031236835330443657_4682769


Print available from my shop!
Dear Soul,
You are on a remarkable journey
(you’re doing a great job)
I came here last year for the first time for a week. I came alone, a thing I had not yet done before. And now I can’t imagine not venturing alone whenever possible for some soul care. We are spiritual beings, much much bigger and wider and deeper than the roles we inhabit (mama, wife, friend, career). When we allow our hearts to rest and be still – even if it’s 15 minutes a day – we remember, on a spiritual journey level, who we are. I try on the daily to remember my path, my purpose, my heart. But it’s hard work and things get muddy and foggy. That’s why I’m here in the AZ desert for a bit of immersion soul care. It feels like a reboot, a consciousness camp, a chance to honor all that works and is abundant (joy) in my life but to also recalibrate what need recalibration. We all need this. To tend to the inner landscapes of our hearts, to honor where we’ve been and to get excited about where we’re going. We are so much more than our roles. We are powerful souls on a deep deep mission to heal and learn and evolve. We must find the time to honor that with more stillness. I’m learning this lesson big this week. Big big big.

Just heard the news. Sending up prayers and more prayers. And so much love. Illustration by Jean Jullien.

Saturday, November 14


Missing the Dino and Bully big time today. ??♥️And Papa J, too. ? Home soon, though. Definitely returning home restored and thus a better mama and partner. ?



Hello from the gorgeous AZ desert. This solo soul care trip has been essential, easy, full of grace and reminders. I’m eager to get home now and slowly but surely devote more daily love toward myself. All transformation, both globally and personally starts with loving ourselves. I get this more than ever now. I am grateful for the heart opening, the spirit expansion, and the deepening of divinity that this place has offered up. I’m taking it all home with me and hopefully rippling it out into my family and others while I expand my own personal practice Yesterday I had a soul journey channeling session with a profoundly gifted woman. Holy smokes. I cried, I giggled, I wondered, and wandered around consciousness with my spirit guides. More on this later in a blog post. Ever since coming out of my spiritual closet earlier this year, the deepening and the knowing has continued to unfold. I feel loved, held, seen, celebrated. What a gift. Big thanks to you guys for following along and cheering me on. It means the world.


Sunday, November 15


I keep seeing rabbits in the cacti.


Read this entire huge book this week. I picked it up after attending a workshop on Ayurveda. The book goes further in depth about the ancient Indian holistic wellness science. Totally resonated and I’ve got an Ayurveda consultation in Portland this week! Here’s to full body health, mind and spirit especially included. 



Heading home with a full heart and major anticipation to see my family. Can’t wait.


Monday, November 16


You guys. I’m home. And so happy to have arrived to gigantic hugs and smiles and a puppy that is huge and a little boy who grew taller and a husband who is so happy and supportive that I took the time. Also, I went for a walk in my hood to get reacquainted with the Autumn colors and I found this beautiful heart with a succulent coming out of it. The succulent was a reminder of the AZ desert, like a love note from where I had been. Happy for all of it. I’m diving back into home and work life today and am ready ready ready. Xxo! Really happy to be back in my clothes after a week of yoga pants;). http://shop.kellyraeroberts.com/products/love-print


Print available from my shop!Love…. It’s everything.

Tuesday, November 17



One of my many wishes for you is that you may find the sacred in the ordinary, my friends….


Wednesday, November 18


Today it’s getting dressed up in joy, recording a podcast, and heading back to the studio for the first time since coming home. I’m ready and excited. Ps: very excited to bring out the Autumn clothes.



Thinking about my time last week. Remembering that balance is a myth (hello, truth) but also remembering that it it’s also worth the effort to tend to all of our pieces each week. Our tender pieces. Our fierce pieces. Our physical wellness pieces. Our spiritual wellness pieces. Our most valued relationships. Our passions, our solitude, our togetherness, our work in the world. I am contemplating all of this while I ease my way back in.
Thursday, November 19


Silent emotion, too tender for words….


Tis the season, time for a thing I’m gonna call Kelly Rae’s Gift Picks!! I know I know, Thanksgiving hasn’t even happened yet, but my husband already has the Christmas music playing and we are super looking forward to the holidays!

You guys, our collection of everyday glass heart ornaments is really really sweet, and these are some of our bestsellers!! We have special messages for mamas, daughters, sisters, grandmamas, and mini messages for special friends. Check out the whole collection at the online retailer Garden Gallery


True recently discovered emojis and he likes to send “love notes” with all of our names and loads of emojis. I sort of love it. He’s entered a new level of becoming lately. Skipping everywhere, lots and lots of discussions about social situations that happen on the playground, and just unleashing of JOY. However the other day he was frustrated with someone and he was giving me a super animated play by play with his hands flying in the air while he was all “can you believe I had to repeat myself TWICE? I mean really!” Friends it was ridiculously funny but I had to keep a straight face while explaining how certain dynamics work. Parenting is awesome and kids are amazing.


That’s it for this week! Check back here next week for another update, or join us over on Instagram for daily photos and thoughts!


Kelly Rae

Sending much love,

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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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