Weekly Update – Soul Nourished

Nov 13, 2015 | Life in Progress

I’m obsessed with Instagram – it’s my favorite online home! Here’s a recap from the last week, and for those of you who aren’t on Instagram, come and join me! And you can click here to see all the Instagram updates right here on my blog!

Friday, November 6

I took a short trip to Manzanita yesterday with a couple of girlfriends. This little town holds so much magic for me. It would be a dream to be able to own a little cabin here someday. The weather was gorgeous and so much peace in my soul. Love you, #manzanita!
– See more at: http://iconosquare.com/viewer.php#/detail/1021310411454761888_4682769
NOTICE: You are hereby allowed to be happy, to love yourself, to realize your worth, to believe in great things, and to be treated with love and respect. I’ve seen this quote floating around the Internet, and I adore it. Good reminder going into the weekend,
my friends. Have a great one! – See more at: http://iconosquare.com/viewer.php#/detail/1031236835330443657_4682769


Print available from my shop!
Dear Girl,
Your are beauty full… Print available from my shop!

True and I have been collaborative drawing. I love doing this with him. We make a bunch of random marks and then we we see if we can find anything that we can make into something that resembles something else. In this one I created a figure around some marks that he made that we both thought looked like eyes. He also made a golf course in this one, a rainbow, and a house with a colorful roof. Love creating and learning from him. Go True go!

Friends, super honored to be a part of my biz manager Betsy’s art brand stories on her blog!! I’m coming up on a BIG anniversary (10 years in the creative biz world!), and I share my journey with business and branding, working with licensing partners, and so much more!
From Betsy: I’m super proud and pleased to share Kelly Rae Roberts’ art brand story on our blog today. Her interview contains beautiful reflections about her creative journey, as well as some of the most straightforward advice EVER about how to honor and respect the artists who inspire us. Kelly Rae is just as wise as she is warm and gracious, so pop on over and enjoy!

Saturday, November 7


As a social worker, as a mom, as human being who highly values naming and talking about all the feelings with kids, I cannot say how much I LOVED watching Disney’s Inside Out movie with True on this super rainy day. True has seen only three movies ever and this was his fourth and he devoured it, loved it, and was mesmerized. I love books and movies like these that give us parents some very real, dynamic, fully whole characters that we can call upon in conversation after conversation with our kids that not only deepen their understanding of life and feelings and the complexities of being alive but that also deepen our connection to one another. True is barely five and this movie was deeply profound yet he totally got it and it enhanced and made even truer all the stuff we’ve been talking to him about since he was born: that we all have feelings, that all the feelings are okay, that we gotta name them, let them out, and allow them to deepen and strengthen our connection to ourselves and one another. Go see this movie. Watch it with your kids. You will cry and laugh and never look at memories and all the associated feelings the same.


Sunday, November 8


Tomorrow I am heading off on a solo solitude adventure. Today (and all week really) I’ve been soaking in all of this color, wetness, and scenery of yellow, reds, and oranges. By the time I get back in a week it’s likely this will all be bare and brown and muddy. And that’s okay too but man do I LOVE Autumn in Portland. Look closely and you’ll see Lulu under our tree swing.

From three weeks ago when we got her to now. She is growing fast bit still a pup at 13 weeks. Go Lulu go!


Monday, November 9


This is what my home looked like in the wee hours this morning as I placed my suitcase in the car and headed to the airport alone. I’m on my way to AZ for a solo trip. I did this for the first time last year and it changed my life. And so. I’m making it a yearly solitude journey, a time and space to to be quiet, get nourished, read, sleep, eat well, challenge myself in new ways, breathe in spaciousness without schedules and lists and meetings and tv and computers and all the happenings that fill my usual life – which I love, but man do I love a solid mind/body/spirit retreat to renew. So here I go. Endlessly grateful. Endlessly. Ps: This weekend as I prepared to go, I kept getting angel numbers. It’s hard to give ourselves permission to do something like this though I know I’m teaching True what it can look like to take care of oneself. It’s hard trusting that all will be well, that I will return home a little more awakened, that it was worth it. And so when the Angels send their signs, I listen. Thank you universe. I see and hear and trust you completely.http://shop.kellyraeroberts.com/products/open-heartPrint available from my shop!”When you live with an open heart, unexpected, joyful things happen.” – Oprah

Tuesday, November 10


Trust the journey, my friends…


Yesterday when I arrived, I walked around the retreat campus, curiously wondering what would reveal itself on this solo week in AZ. Last year when I arrived here I was in profound need of some soul rearrangement, and by the time I went home I felt changed and spiritually awakened on some big macro levels. This time around, I’m not so sure what I’m here for. I’m in better spiritual shape this time around and I wonder if I’m here to learn and take home something a bit more on the micro level. Either way, I already feel more in tune, soul nourished, spirit awakened. And finding not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE hearts in a matter of a couple hours after arriving yesterday could not have been a better welcoming and confirmation that I’m exactly where I need to be. Sometimes being human is so hard but then there are these openings, these reminders to simply expand your heart and allow it to simply receive whatever comes rushing in.

Wednesday, November 11




Together it was a journey of heart…


Thursday, November 12



Remember who you wanted to be… 



Pinch me. A thousand times, pinch me. I have so much to tell you. So much. In addition to climbing and then standing on and then leaping off the telephone pole, I’ve experienced and soaked in so much. Today was my third full day here. I’ve done meditation, yoga, photo walks, art walks, Pilates (which, hello, I LOVE). I also had an hour long session with the cutest 80 year old psychic ever (who was SO wearing her joy in gorgeous Indian saris) who told me I am doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, that I will collaborate more with the Angels, that I (and my biz) are in a time of expansion, that John is also super aligned as a stay at home papa, that we should not homeschool True (something we are considering), that San Diego is in my future somehow (???) and that a baby spirit is in the wings despite what we think or want to be possible! Ha! I also have been to a couple of lectures on intuition with Tejpal (love her) and another on Ayurveda, which DEEPLY resonated. Friends, my kapha dosha is unbalanced. Must work on that. The good news is that my and doshas are all good. Meanwhile, in between all the reading, lounging, eating whole foods and learning, I’ve had a few Ayurvedic body massage treatments that had me falling asleep on the table. Friends, I still have two full days left. I feel incredibly nurtured, empowered, nourished, and inspired. This trip has confirmed for me that I’ve done a really good job of being gentle on myself and letting lots of stuff that needed going to go, and that I’m much more balanced in life than I ever have been, that I’m at peace, in joy. But now it’s time to get a bit more focused and tuned in on daily nourishing routines that are 100% possible with a bit of attention and dedication. Pilates classes, here I come. More collabs with the Angels, yes please. More Ayurvedic treatments, here I come. I love this feeling of inspiration that comes when we travel and get outside of ourselves and our lives. Thank you renewal. I’m gonna bring you home with me. Xxo

That’s it for this week! Check back here next week for another update, or join us over on Instagram for daily photos and thoughts!


Kelly Rae


Sending much love,

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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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