Found us a little love note today on my walk. I love that I found this as we’re on the countdown to Everyday Soul Care: Self-Kindness (10 days until we start!).
I’m certain that my writing the content has my senses on high alert, my heart open to deepening perspective, because opportunities have been arriving left and right these last few weeks to practice what I know to be true about self-kindness. It’s been, at times, incredibly uncomfortable in those ways when something that needs healing is revealed – an opportunity for compassion and grace. And it’s also been good and meaningful.
This is SUCH important work for my heart, your heart. Indeed, we are loved beyond measure and are a part of profound Benevolence. I’m so ready to continue the practice of feeling benevolent in all the ways I treat myself.
My hope is that we all become Guardians of our light and magnificence.
Kelly Rae, I responded to your survey but I realized something today. I am comfortable in my knowledge of art processes and journaling. The reason I’m drawn back to you over and over and I’m so willing to spend my hard earned money on your amazing classes is because of your beautiful ability to help me quiet my spirit so my soul can whisper. You might not be a credentialed therapist, but in my mind you might as well be. You have helped me work through so many deep issues and shown me how to see the beauty of every day life.
Eagerly anticipating my email from you June 1st! 😊
Wow, thank you Jenni! I so appreciate you taking the time to share this with me, I am deeply honored.
Thank you Kelly Rae for reminding us in sooo many beautiful ways to be open and sensitive and conscious of the tiny everyday miracles around us! Thank you for offering the Soul Care-Self Kindness series–it is something I sorely need to prioritize for myself but when I saw your post about it I almost defaulted to my old, self-sacrificing mode of thinking “maybe later, not right now, I have tooooo much to do, I don’t really “deserve” to take time for just me”–but through your patient, loving, life-celebrating shared wisdoms I have signed up and already (the series hasn’t even started yet!) it’s made me begin to plan a whole month of new ways to honor myself in the tiniest of ways. Thank you for all you do and are and manifest in the world! Love from Kaitlin at Kaitlin’s Creative Cottage in Tucson, Arizona