Despite it all. Please don’t give up.

Jan 30, 2018 | Entrepreneurship, Life in Progress

To those of you who have bravely shown up for your business and have experienced a “fail/flop”:

There are so many up and downs in this landscape of being pioneers for our dreams. It is brave, what you are doing. And I want to celebrate your bravery. I see you. I honor you. You are courageously taking orders from Inspiration and you are doing the very best you can do to be the human vessel of delivery, to birth that Inspiration and those dreams in a world that doesn’t always SEE. You are doing your best. And as a fellow creator and business lady, I see you.

I know it can feel like heartbreak when the world doesn’t respond to the work and Inspiration you thoughtfully nurtured and birthed into the world. We want other people to celebrate that birth, to SEE just how amazing and precious it, how GOOD it is. And then sometimes – and we’ve ALL had these times – we struggle with the outcome and the high hopes. Why did this flop? Why aren’t people loving this as much as I thought they would? What did I do wrong?

It’s SUCH a vulnerable process to keep showing up with an open heart and more ideas when our passion projects/babies don’t quite make it. This is why this entrepreneur journey is sacred and so full of teachings. To keep showing up, with an open heart, and to keep offering that heart up (in the form of products, courses, and services) is no joke. It’s spiritual development. Sacred Ground. And much of it we can’t know – why it flopped, why the sign-ups are low . Some of it we can guess about (market analysis, price points, etc etc) but in a bigger sense, we have to trust the process that we did our best, and that nothing is ultimately wasted, and that it all matters and is material for growth for both soul and biz.

All of this is to say I hear you. Honor you. See you. AND permission granted to grieve and mourn before jumping back in with that brave open heart of yours.

You are doing the world a great service by simply showing up. Despite it all. Please don’t give up.

If you want/need to be in community with other women who UNDERSTAND this work, I invite you to come join my tribe of biz ladies in Hello Soul Hello Business. We are an online community of sisters, earning our livelihoods through businesses that are deeply personal and intimate extensions of ourselves.

Use code KRRBIZ for 15% off at checkout!

We’d love to have you join us. Your sisters are waiting.

Sending much love,

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1 Comment
  1. Kelly Ramsdell

    Kelly Rae, this is just a beautiful post. And words I needed today. Thank you.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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