This move, selling a ton of our stuff, giving a lot of it away, and settling into a simpler/slower life is reminding me of the time – shortly after John was diagnosed with cancer and life came sharply into focus – when we quit our jobs, sold our first house, our stuff, one of our cars, and headed off on a year-long road/camping trip with our dog. We used the money we made selling our home to pay off our student loans and we lived off the rest (about 17K) for the year. A simpler, slower life called to us.
It was scary (we were in the middle of building careers in our mid-20s), yet exhilarating to have FREEDOM. That choice, which was about 15 years ago or so, really defined how we make decisions as a couple and now as a family: Every so often we ask ourselves if we’re happy? Are we thriving? Do we feel tethered to something greater than ourselves but untethered from unhealthy societal expectations/demands/norms, so that we have a life that feels like ours? For a few years there, we lost our way from the simple/slow life, and I’m so grateful we’re finding our way back now. The contrast of experiences is always a great teacher, no?
(Love this little sit spot in our home)
Anyway, as we settle into our new season of life, I’m finding that I want to keep simplifying even more, slowing down even more. I’m also asking myself a lot of questions. Do I REALLY need all of these toxic cleaning supplies? Won’t soap and water do? Do I need all of this skincare and makeup, most of it which goes against my values of cruelty-free? Can I let go of even more clothes? Can I be extremely deliberate with every single dollar that I spend so that I don’t have to work so hard to earn more?
That’s where I’m at. It feels good to have cleared the path a bit and to keep clearing, still. So that life feels even more intentional. Conscious. And free.
There’s a great documentary on Netflix called “Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important Things.” Have you seen it? Add it to your list. I found it inspiring and interesting!
XO and here’s to creating lives we love.
Hi Kelly Rae, this is my first time commenting on your blog. Your art work has always inspired and lifted my spirit- I see a “kindred spirit” in you and your friends you have on your podcast too. Thank you for sharing your and your family’s journey with me and so many other women who are just doing the best we can while trying to live out our lives true to our inner voice and spirit.
With much gratitude for sharing your journey with us,
Thank you, Paige. And I’m so glad you found your way here 🙂
Thank you for sharing authenticity, optimism, and uplifting experiences! Like many, I’ve read the blog often over several years, especially during my social work program. Best regards.
Thank you, Joy. It’s good to see you here!