Stay golden (new art) and True turns SIX!

Oct 4, 2016 | Being A Mama, Life in Progress, My Creative Practice


I recently made a new painting for my True by Kelly Rae RobertsĀ® collection. Above is the time-lapse of that painting being made – I love a good time-lapse. Enjoy it!

And here is the painting completed:

Oh my goodness, how I love this line. It’s all about togetherness, kid spaces, adult spaces, and the remembrance of magic. For those of you interested in this piece, I’ve got it up in the print shop right here.

Also, this painting (and many others) was created live for my monthly Kelly Rae Unscripted video subscription. I cannot tell you how much I LOVE this weekly live video painting project. Every week, I createĀ a new video (totally unscripted!) showing how I create paintings in my private studio. I then send those videos out to all who have signed up. Wanna join and be art buddies with me? All the details are here.Ā 

But back to magic and staying golden…….True turned six yesterday!


If you asked him what his favorite color is right now, he’d say “gold!” He’s still busting out his songs (he sang Taylor Swift’s Welcome To NY and Paul Simon’s You Can Call Me Al, word for word, at our recent block party talent show) and he’s still equal parts wild and loving and talkative and right on track for all the things kids do (including pushing all the boundaries while we try our best to hold them!).

I introduced him to They Might Be Giants this morning and he loved it. He wakes up happy every day, singing, playful, and ready to go. I am in constant amazement at what he teaches me, and how parenting is both hard, and beautiful. A spiritual experience, 100%. Super proud and inspired by this little, big being.


He and Lulubutterbutterbean continue to be the very best of friends. If given the chance, she would bath with him, sleep with him, and go to school with him. So cute and I’m just so so glad that True’s childhood memories will include all the fun he has with this crazy dog.


True decided that for his cake this year he wanted strawberry cake with strawberry icing and lots of sprinkles. We made it together and he was especially excited about the candles. Love the simplicity of how this turned out as well as the time together making it.


Together we also made a birthday crown for the big 6th birthday. I took him to the craft store and let him pick out whatever he wanted to decorate his crown with. I secretly love that just about all of it involved rainbow sparkles and rainbow sparkly hearts and sequins and feathers and a big gold glitter #6. This kid is gold.


He also requested that he get his nails painted with birthday cakes on each nail. And so we did that too. He was a huge hit at the nail salon and he loved it. I hope to remember this stuff for the rest of my life.


True, you are joy personified. It was a great day celebrating six years with you. We had both sets of grandparents all day today. There were pancakes, the arcade, mountain biking, and of course cake and presents. You loved the whole day. At one point we all went around the table and shared one thing we loved about you. When Gigi said she loved that you were “kind-hearted” you replied, “And don’t forget vigorous! I am very vigorous!” Ahhhhh, we love you buddy, and all of your joyous vigor.

XO for infinity.




PS: BIG NEWS!Ā Signed 2017 calendars AND day planners (!!) are here! I love, love, love them.

Our calendar formats have sold out every year for the last few years before we even reach Dec 1st. This means you gotta act fast.Ā Did I mention they both come signed. Yes, indeed! Find them in the shop right here, along with more details and photos!


Sending much love,

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  1. Mary ann

    Hi KRR, I was wondering if True asks for a brother or sister? If so, how do you answer him. Thanks. Mary Ann

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Hi Mary Ann! True doesn’t ask for a brother or a sister, but he definitely identifies our dog Lulu as his sibling. šŸ™‚

  2. Jani

    Dear brilliant True! Happiest happy birthday to you! What a lucky guy you are to have such a wonderful day, full of fun, and love, and family…..and that CAKE!! Oh, just watching you there enjoying it all makes ME glad! Enjoy life, True, always enjoy life! Frabjous day to you!


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Iā€™m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today Iā€™m an artist & Possibilitarian. Iā€™m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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