suburbia bliss? can it be?

Oct 24, 2007 | Life in Progress

i’m on the verge of being totally pooped out. i’m riding the fine line of loving every minute of this insane (but very temporary) schedule (this is my last week of dayjob schedule) and wanting to run the other direction. i don’t ever want all of this to feel like a burden. it’s the opposite of that, yet sometimes i do feel the weight of the internal pressure i put on myself. i’m learning to figure out how to let that piece of the journey go. but i admit it’s slow going right now, that part.

i’ve spent the last couple of nights at my sister-in-law’s in the suburbs and i can’t believe i’m saying this, but man did i absolutely love suburbia this week. quiet. no traffic. clean. ponds. walkways. friendly. kids playing softball and tennis. did i mention quiet? i have never in my entire life lived in a suburb. ever. after this week i sort of get the appeal, finally. i’ve been wondering what all the fuss has been about. i get it. yes. i. do.

in other news, check this out! how cool. thank you, kpfa!

Sending much love,

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  1. kellyrae

    they are very old jcrew boots.

    i did get your message, and i just sent you an email!

  2. Kristin

    Did you ever get my voicemail?

  3. katie

    WoNDerFuL poster, kelly, congratulations!!! You are soaring these days…

    if you want even MORE quiet and peacefulness than suburbia, come visit me in the boonies 🙂 (and bring Liz 🙂

  4. ceanandjen

    A big warm congratualations…both on that beautiful poster, as well as this being your last week of living that duel life. I hope that quiet returns to you soon!


  5. Anonymous

    such sassy boots! Brand name, please…



  6. Judy Wise

    Your poster is fabulous – how wonderful. I’m so happy for you. And yes, even good things come with a lot of work attached. Hang in there.

  7. Kirsten Michelle

    congratulations on the poster…
    it’s gorgeous!!!

    remember to be gentle with yourself through this transition 😉

    i’m a suburbian girl…pretty much born and raised in the burbs…now i’m a suburbian mom to my own little one and lovin’ it!
    i’m so glad you get it 😉

  8. mccabe

    your boots are just too cute.

  9. liz elayne

    i am cracking up at your use of the phrase “can it be?”

    love that you are enjoying your time in the burbs my friend…

    thinking about you and hoping the words are flowing. 🙂

  10. Ally Bean

    I’m glad that you have discovered suburban bliss. I never wanted to live out here in a suburb, but now that I do I rather like it. The quiet is soooo nice. Great post.

  11. Lisa

    LOVE the poster! Congrats!!!

    Oh, yes, living in suburbia Ohio certainly has its drawbacks…but there are many blessings…of quiet, of green grass, birds, squirrels, trees, etc. It can be an oasis of sorts.

    Blessings and peace,

  12. Beth

    love your blog and how you write….you inspire me !!

    The suburbs are great for raising children, but I’d love to live in the city for a year or two with no grass to mow and the ability to ride my bike on all my errands.

    Someday I think we will live in a city, but we’ll keep our cottage in the woods just to have our “get-away”

  13. Anonymous

    after many years in the social work field i want and need a very different kind of work to do and am struggling with making the leap for feeling boxed in, being labeled as someone who can do social work and nothing else. you are very inspirational to me and i appreciate very much the thoughtful sharing of your life, your art, your ideas and your feelings in your blog. you help me in ways you may not ever know. thanks – many blessings to you!


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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