Been thinking a lot about my multi-passionate ways. I love teaching. Painting. Making products. Hosting retreats. Licensing. Writing. Decorating.
Lately, my mind is lit up with all the things that I want to create in these specific worlds. I’m considering how to fit it all in, like puzzle pieces of a creative life and business. It can feel a bit crazy making, but I also trust it’s just my creative brain wanting to organize and strategize so it can build and create with ease and joy. And so. The planners and calendars and time/project management tools have come out as I begin to capture allllll the ideas and dreams and decide what to play with first.
One thing I’ve learned over the years is to go where the energy flows. What’s bubbling up? What’s tugging on my heart for the most attention? Usually, that’s where I go.
Toward the light. The courage. The tenderness. The honesty. The love.
Big love,