thoughts on autumn

Sep 20, 2007 | Life in Progress

today, i woke up and it was autumn. windy, sunny, falling leaves, autumn. i’m not confident it will last too long here in california, but for today it was lovely and amazing. i wore my brown boots and my coat and i believe i wore socks for the first time in months.

like so many others, i feel re-energized at the beginning of a changing season, especially the ending of summer and the transition into fall. there is newness in the air, nostalgia for all things cozy and comforting. i have found myself taking a hot bath almost every single nite lately in anticipation of this very day. i light more candles this time of year. i slow down. i go to bed earlier. i sip hot chocolate. i write more letters. i get all excited about the holidays. i also get sentimental and i remember. every huge event that has ever happened to me, happened in the fall. it’s true. i met john in the fall. married in the fall. traveled far and wide in the fall. started school in the fall. graduated in the fall. holidays in the fall. death in the fall. rebirth in the fall. discovery of art in the fall. and on and on. it’s an important season to me and carries with it such meaning and memory. it’s interesting how these months always bring such change to my life and routine, but yet i’ve always thought of it and remembered it fondly. change and leaves and color and feelings of anew…they’re all good.

i missed portland today. the photo above was taken outside our front door one glorious fall day when we lived there. today i also remembered how hard it was for us, this time last year, as we were adjusting from our move from portland to here. today, a year later, i am grateful to have made it through all that muck. we still miss oregon and in some ways we’ll never quite get used to it here, but we’re ok with that and the heartbreaks of the move are long gone. we’ll be back home soon enough where autumn lasts much longer and where its colors are richer in leaves and in memory.

Sending much love,

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  1. Anonymous

    Fall is lovely here in Tennessee, it truly is ~ my world has turned into a giant tapestry of crimson and gold. But as it’s been said so eloquently here, it’s not home. I’m an Alaskan transplanted to the Nashville area and I’ve never felt more like a visitor. And we’ve been here for years! I’m not southern by nature or inclination, so I’ll enjoy the lovely colors of fall and cross my fingers for a snowflake or two this winter.

  2. Corey Moortgat

    Hi Kelly! Sorry I never responded to your comment a couple weeks back… Anyway, thanks for the compliments on my book (Jessica was my editor, too)- isn’t it a crazy process? Now I expect you’re getting into the writing process of it all-that’s a bit harder…but it will be over before you know it, and suddenly, it will be done! I can’t believe mine’s about to be out in stores! I bet you’re going to have a great book. I know Tonia is really excited about it!

    That’s so interesting that you’re from Jacksonville. I’m thinking that maybe I knew that? Anyway, I don’t suppose you have any good tips on the cool spots, do you? I’m dying not knowing where to shop for good art supplies, etc. Scrapbook stores, antique shops, junk markets??? Do you have any advice?

  3. rubyslippers

    i LOVE portland too. i’m slowly working on my hubby to make the move. we’re in WA, which is nice too. i can’t complain, but there is something about portland–a little bit funkier, a little bit slower, a lot of amazing, creative people there. i always feel at home when i am there. are you moving back? not sure if i’ve commented on your blog before, but your artwork is gorgeous and inspiring!

  4. Marissa

    I wish we would have had more time to chat about ‘life’ last week … I feel like we completely connect when you talk about Portland. I feel the same about Tennessee and Nashville. I was born and raised in southern Ohio, but the 6 years we living outside of Nashville I couldn’t have been more full of life. I was connected to God, connected to the earth and connected to all those around me.

    We moved back for our children so they would know ALL of our family, but a piece of me will continue to be in those rolling hills of Tennessee.

    I almost get a little sick to my stomach when I go back to visit because I don’t live there anymore. I keep thinking that that feeling will go away once we are living here in Ohio long enough, but I’m not sure it will.

    Once you connect with a place, it must always be — home, is what I’ve determined. And nothing, not even time, can change that.

  5. Claire NZ

    It’s similar for me except we’re just entering spring with beautiful warm clear days. Today was my first day of not wearing socks!

    The weather is truly inspiring.

  6. deirdre

    I felt the shift on Tuesday. Suddenly it was Fall – the light changed, the air, temperature, color – it all became Autumn in one day. It’s early this year and will hopefully last a long time too. Usually October is the most gorgeous month. I agree with you about fall. So energizing and soothing at once.

  7. Adrienne

    Mmm, I love fall too. I live in VA about 15 mintues from DC. This time of year we have to drive out to the Shenandoah Mountains to get the full blast of color. Beautiful picture. I might have to visit Portland one day, I love hearing about it through your blog, I feel like I’ve already been there!


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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