visual peek into my world lately:

Jun 7, 2012 | Life in Progress

Hello love banner over bed. Love it so much.
Hello Love banner (part of my home decor line with Creative Co-op) strewn across our bed with newish vintage quilt.

Me age 8 I think. Country girl who loved boss hog on dukes of hazards. Major tomboy I was. 
Me, at 8ish – proof that I was pure rural girl in rural Florda.

This little lovely made it through the bars. Free! 

Heart leaf 
Been finding heart shapes again.

Even on the salad plate.

He is seriously crazy about tools. (it's a toy). 
(It’s a toy) And he’s obsessed with it. 

730 am and we're off and running. 
And I’m obsessed with him.

And all that he teaches and inspires…

Five yr engagement coming right up 
(Five year engagement) It was good and so was the coke slurpee. 

Waiting for summer, people. Waiting.

And if you’re one of the few who have not seen this video, get ready to be delighted. I’ve watched it over and over. Awesome. Had to share.

Shadow heart found on our morning walk ;) 
Another heart, for you.

Sending much love,

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  1. paintdropskeepfalling

    I double-took at the photo of True with a chainsaw!!
    Love that video – so enjoyable and it brought a little tear to my eye 😉

  2. Tiffany Stuart

    Appreciate your artist's eye and heart. I'm inspired to write my own manifesto.. Working on that this week. And I love that proposal video too. Oh happy day!

  3. Anna

    Oh that darling baby boy. He is adorable for sure! My youngest son had a little tykes building set, kimda like a play litchen but for boys. There were big chunky plastic tools with it and i kid you not he latched on to the screwdriver. Ate with it next to him, slept with it, you name it. "crewsdrifer mommy. Crewsdrifer." memories. You have me wondering where in rural Fl you grew up. Lived in Fl all my life.

  4. pstrong

    love that you tube . best I've seen in a long time to get that many people to help is uplifting.

  5. S. Kim Henson

    I love the hearts … hearts, hearts everywhere. And his shearling jacket is adorable. Our daughter's dog has one – yeah, well, I'm waiting for grandchildren, but for now, I'm obsessed with our granddogs. Thanks for your wonderfully creative and always upbeat posts.

  6. Rose D., Frenchtown, NJ

    Kelly, it's seems summer hasn't arrived on either coasts…We're still attempting to dry out here in NJ.

  7. Deborah

    Awe, your little man is adorable. Sweet sweet life you are building.
    **blows kisses** Deborah

  8. Anonymous

    My daughter is 23 and I'm still obsessed with her! She is my best friend and we actually enjoy spending time together and always have 🙂 True is the cutest little boy – enjoy & love him.

  9. Gigi

    Thanks for sharing this. I think True looks so much like his father (from the pictures you've shown in the past.)Love all the hearts <3 !

  10. Ronnie

    Oh my gosh, that chainsaw is so funny! You wonder what's going on in that little male brain, don'tcha?

  11. Amarie

    Oh, what a cutie pie! That video was just the chuckle that I needed. Thanks!

  12. Blessed Serendipity

    You were right, that video is awesome. So sweet and romantic. Thanks so much for sharing this. Your little True is a cutie and I am so happy to hear that his chain saw is a toy because it looked like a real one.


  13. Tisha

    Kelly Rae, when my Harper was turning three, he kept asking for a tree cutter from Santa Claus. We had no idea what he wanted and it was the only thing he asked for. On Christmas Eve my hubby figured out it was the toy chain saw and goggles–just like True's–because Harper had cut down a Christmas tree with his Grandpa. We lucked into finding one in the hours before Santa arrived! Harper's now 7 and we still have it. 😉


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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