waking up

Sep 29, 2007 | Life in Progress

(it reads: grow. become. journey.i know, i know, a new hairstyle already! i can’t help it. i love buns right now)
i woke up feeling hopeful and light today. usually i wake up tired, groggy, with a mental to-do list swirly in my head. but today, i woke up with a clear happiness, without the least of worry or lists. maybe it was the scent of pancakes first thing in the morning that had me grinning before i even got out of bed (i heart my man who adores making breakfast)? or maybe it was that hot bath at 3am this morning that had me all relaxed and ready to drift into a deep sleep. or maybe it’s the cooler, sunny weather that has me wanting to skip around with the deeper arrival of autumn. i don’t know. but i feel all warm and glad today.

with the exception of last night, i’ve been struggling with sleep lately. i’m having one bad dream after the next and it seems i’m always on the surface of Awake. in my dreams, i’m alone. i’ve lost john. and i’m reaching, running, searching, doing-doing-doing, and very scared. i wake up, usually tired and a bit mentally exhausted. i haven’t been giving my dream/sleep patterns very much thought, but after the reprieve of waking up refreshed today, i’m realizing how important it is, on a very practical and mental level, to get good/solid/quality sleep. i’m gonna work on this. not sure exactly how, but i’ll figure something out. and i need to think more about these dreams. what gives?

Sending much love,

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  1. Steph

    There’s a really good section in Women Who Run with the Wolves about dreams and their interpretations, if you’re interested.

  2. Julia

    O I really love this style ! And look at the heads , so very intimate!

  3. melanie

    wow, that would be a terrifying dream. it’s intriguing what our minds do when we are asleep.

    you really have such a way of giving your art such texture and depth and detail without at all making it look busy. this is BEAUTIFUL. what a tribute to the intimate connection between mother and daughter.

  4. tumblewords

    What great style you have!

  5. Laura Scarlett

    I also love this image and really like the way you’ve worked upon the page to create the final end result. Great colours too.

  6. megan

    it’s lovely to look at. i’m really loving the layering and tiling and overlapping shapes and colors of the background and how it all falls into place.

  7. Jodi

    I really love this piece. For my own, I took a photo of my daughter. Your art reminds me of my daughter and myself.

    Just so very lovely!

  8. Patricia J. Mosca

    I totally love this piece..the colors and the whimsey of it…background, foreground…the hairdo’s!! But I especially like how their heads tilt toward each other…and the sweetness of it….FABULOUS!

  9. * mY fRiEnDs cALL mE Rella *

    You are right about the value of a good night’s sleep. You have so much coming down the pike, dear one, no wonder you are having a bizarre dream life. Hot baths DO help. BUT pancakes in the morning….that sounds great to me!!

    Now I have the second of your prints with the great hair-do (which I love) and the butterfly…may I say again how much I am adoring this series. and you!!!

    xox Rella


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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