My word of the year is Rise. It came to me a few weeks ago after I had that fall down the stairs. And it has so many, SO MANY meanings for me. Here they go….
In 2018, I want to RISE with assistance, asking for more support of my friends and family and Spirit. I tend to be fiercely self-sufficient + independent, and I want to cultivate a bit more support in the spirit of rising up strong and steady.
I also want a morning practice, something I’m calling the RISE and sunshine morning sessions (reading, stretching, meditation). It’s been a lifelong dream to create an early morning practice. I hope having “RISE” as my word of the year will help (it already has!).
Last year I worked really hard at letting a ton of stuff go in an effort to do a sort of controlled burn of my life. It was hard, good, meaningful soul work. Since then, the new landscape of my life has new seeds/ideas/space/creativity that have begun to sprout and grow. In 2018, I want to tend to them so that they can RISE up and out of my head and body and into the actual world.
In 2018, I want to RISE up to the potential and possibilities that await in my wellness journey, creative journey, life journey. Painting has always illuminated the path for me. I’m ready to see if there are other parts of my creative voice that can illuminate the next path for me.
I want to RISE above the parts of myself that are small, petty, judgmental.
I want to RISE with the earth, hiking weekly in the woods.
I want to turn up the volume of my truth in every single capacity and RISE up despite my gremlins. I want to trust my highest self.
I want to seek more wisdom from the heavens, and RAISE my consciousness.
I want to RISE up with women who are making a difference, paving the way, and using their power as a force for good.
Rise, I think you’re going to be an awesome word. 2018, so ready for you!