16 things about me + an announcement

Jan 13, 2009 | Entrepreneurship, Life in Progress

1. i walk around in the world feeling like the above, like our spirits are all intertwined, that we all matter, that we have so much to teach one another. sometimes i feel overwhelmed by all the goodness, like i’m not sure where to put all the energy.

2. i don’t like coffee. but i must have black tea in the morning with sugar + milk.
3. i went to seven different schools in seven years (k-7). in some ways, it taught me to adapt easily to change, to meet people easily, but it also taught me to crave stability.
4. i have the world’s worst memory. my friends kimmie and garrett are the only people i know with worse. i keep a super detailed organizer – it’s the only way i remember to do anything.
5. i’m a huge actualizer. if i think about something, a project, or something i want to do for whatever reason, then i do it. no over thinking. no planning. i just get in the car, or hop on the internet, or go to my studio, or call someone, etc, etc and work toward whatever task/project/thought it is. my mom is the same way. for a long time, i didn’t think much about this trait but i’m learning how different i am from several of my friends in this area because they keep pointing it out to me! when it comes to things i need, however, or self-care, i’m not so fast to actualize – totally need to work on that.
6. i often need silence. no tv. no music. nothing. just silence. this drives john nuts as he’s a huge music person – likes it on in the mornings, afternoons, evenings. i love music (soulful alt country, folk, etc) but i can’t have it on all day long. it’s best in the studio when i’m painting.
7. i have never been good at flossing. and everyday i hear the inner voice that says “only floss the ones you want to keep” and i still don’t floss (see what i mean, #5?).
8. in highschool, i was voted most likely to wear stripes with plaids. hmm. and in college i’m pretty sure i wore overalls every single day from 1993-1996.
9. if you told me 3 years ago that i would be living this life, working full time as an artist and creative business owner, i would have told you you were nuts.
10. i am very, very far-sighted and have worn glasses since i was ten years old.
11. i shamelessly love and watch the hills, the city, and the bachelor 🙂
12. i am equally extraverted as i am introverted. i ALWAYS score middle of the road for every personality trait on every personality test i’ve ever taken. always. sometimes this makes me feel non-existent, like i’m not interesting enough. but i’m learning that i’m just easy, adaptable, and flexible.
13. i love it when the house is clean, especially the hardwoods so i can walk around barefoot.
14. i asked my husband out on our first date almost ten years ago.
15. i go back + forth about whether or not i want to be a momma. it changes every other week, my thoughts on this.
16. i can get super spooked by darkness.
consider yourself tagged. would love to know 16 things about you!


i am so proud to announce the Kelly Rae Roberts Collection debuted last week at the Atlanta gift show. DEMDACO is carrying this extensive line of wall art reproductions and i’m totally thrilled with how they turned out – on canvas with thicker sides, totally looks and feels like an original painting, and insanely affordable.

the sizes range from 6×6 inches to 18×18 inches. they just debuted last week but will start filtering out to stores nationwide soon. totally surreal + exciting for me to see these images taken by my friend laura – she snapped these photos for me as i wasn’t able to attend the atlanta show (thanks so much laura!). more products will debut this summer from DEMDACO, including glass charm necklaces, adorable gift boxes, tote bags, bookmarks, and more. but for now, i’m smitten with the wall art line. how cool is that?

Sending much love,

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  1. disa
  2. michelletgidosh

    so excited to be able to by your prints…. gifts for all girls in my world are set for this year….just have to find where they will be sold in my corner of the world

  3. Barbara

    I just discovered you – I looked up in the bookstore and there was “Taking Flight” with some of the very things I’d been hoping to find, so THANK YOU! I lived in Silverdale YEARS ago and my favorite treat was to take the ferry from Bainbridge Island after I put the boys on the school bus and just wander. Have you found the Cow Chip Cookie Co. … somewhere near Elliot Bay Books … so fun! Love your posts, and congratulations on the line of products – I will seek it out, too!

  4. Kelly

    I stopped by Ali Edwards blog this morning which I haven't done in ages and saw a link to your blog and felt I must click it. My friends called me Kelly Rae in college. Rae is a family name – my grandpa's name turned into a middle name – but not for me so it was weird that they call me that. Then I read your mention of friends Kimmie & Garrett. My sister's name is Kimberly (middle name Rae) but is called Kimmie by my boys, the eldest being Garrett. Weird little connections huh?
    Anyway, this is the first time I've stopped by your blog and I love it! I'll be back for sure. 🙂

  5. Jennifer

    Congratulations on your new line. I can’t wait to see them in person. I just bought a print from your etsy not that long ago….LOVE it! (Oh, and got your book too! 🙂 Happiness…

  6. debiellis

    When are your items going to be on the open market? My husband and I were ready to purchase from Etsy until your comment about your new line…. we want lots of Kelly Rae for our house ! Absolutely gorgeous work…..

  7. karine


  8. Jolie Dennison

    They’re absolutely wonderful and look so dramatic when seen all together. I can’t wait until the line officially debuts. I want one! (or two, or three, or four…)

  9. Amy

    That is just amazing! It must just be mind boggling for you! Congratulations, what a joy to have your dreams realized! Just awesome!

  10. pixie

    WOW! Way to go! That you follow up your ideas is a huge inspiration. I could use some *help* in that area!
    xoxo p

  11. Abbie

    Wow! How exciting! I’m hoping that sometime I’ll walk into our local gift/card shop and your stuff will be there.

    (I’ve also been watching your Etsy store…I really liked the abundance piece you posted earlier this month–it’s my word for 2009–and hope that you’ll make prints available)

    And my 16 things are at http://unendingfieldtrip.blogspot.com

  12. Tracie Lyn Huskamp

    KELLY!! A BIG HEARTY CONGRATS on the debut of your Demdaco line of products. They are actually located in KC.. so if you EVER are in the neighborhood… Marylin and I would LOVE to have to out to spent the day with us!!

    XO See you in April at Artfest!

  13. Marel Lecone


    My husband and I watch the Bachelor. I hate it and love it, I guess. 🙂 He really loves it. haha

  14. Stacey

    Awesome – congrats to you – this is just so wonderful. They are very lucky to have your line!!!

  15. polkadotsandmoonbeams

    Congratulations!!! Just wanted to say that I am so thrilled for you! I still laugh that your New Year's resolution was once to "learn how to paint". You are a living testament to what miracles can occur when you have the courage to follow your heart. I love you for that…

    ~Elizabeth <3

  16. Jennifer/The Word Cellar

    #15? Oh, I am so there with you, sister. We should chat about our momma ambivalence. I call it the “to baby or not to baby” question and it can drive me mad some days!

  17. paperbird

    Hello AMAZING Kelly. You truly are a inspirational person. Lucky me, I will be at the Art Nest retreat next month and I am soooooo excited to meet you and to participate in your class. Can’t wait!

  18. Lorri

    Oh My goodness Kelly Rae – this is so awesome. One day I aspire to be as talented. To see that collection must make you so proud!
    Congratulations – you deserve it.

  19. Miriam

    congrats Kelly on your new line, looking forward to seeing it one day here in Australia 😉

  20. Anonymous

    Hi Kelly Rae
    Congratulations , you must feel so proud . Your art is truly an inspiration , enjoy………….
    Love Lorraine xx

  21. matirose

    OMG! that’s AWESOME! i love the “krr collection!!!”. did laura from cortona send you that?! xoxo

  22. Rita vindedzis

    What a fabulous line of work!!! Congratulations!!

  23. paris parfait

    BRAVO! How thrilled you must be to see your work reach a wider audience! Am so pleased to see more people will have the chance to learn about you and take home your beautiful art. xo


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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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