Remember way back when we renovated this house and we scraped the white painted walls of this room only to find layers and layers of vintage wallpaper? I remember it like yesterday, and I’m so glad we decided to keep the walls.
The room became our nursery (oh how I miss those tiny baby days!). Recently, though, we moved toddler True to a larger room and made this room our shared home office. I’m still primarily working from my studio, but on the days I’m working from home (often, lately), this is where I’m at.
John made this desk from reclaimed wood flooring from the home rebuilding center (love that place). The ikea shelving is always a good idea for storage. We’re using an old magazine holder as a trashcan. I like the masculinity of this room paired with the vintage vibe – it’s a great combo for a his/hers space.
An old china cabinet holds plants, plants, and more. Love it. Love how, at first glance, the wall looks like an old map.
Although I adored my little office in a closet, I really love having a space in our house that we can both share. Also love that I can do quick chunks of working from home on those days when I really don’t want to miss anything happening in family world. Always a balancing act of work and mama life 🙂