I’m on the green juice train!

Apr 3, 2013 | Life in Progress

My life lately: Green juice and emails. Repeat. Repeat.

Friends, we’ve been juicing and it’s become a full-on family affair! We started with the Carrot, Apple, Ginger and now we’re all about the green juice – every single day. It feels like a huge healthy deal, because the truth is is that this sort of thing (being intentional about food, creating space for it, that sort of thing) is a HUGE struggle for me. Plus, I don’t actually like things like kale, and spinach, and cucumbers, and most green foods.

But this juicing thing is helping, tremendously. I also tend towards skipping meals so it has become an easy way to make sure I’m eating! Hello, convenience + thank you straw! And it’s totally yum, too. Who knew?

Our routine. We have a weekly juicing routine where we juice every Sunday + Wednesday. On both days, we (True, too! He loves to help hand us the veggies) make enough juice to fill six 32oz mason jars. We then divide them between the two of us so we each have three jars of juice to last us until our next juicing day. This works out to be about one 32oz mason jar of green juice, per day, for each of us. I drink half of my jar (16 oz) for a morning snack and the remainder (16oz) in the afternoon.

First green juice of three day juice cleanse. Here we go! @lacylike
Now, nobody can convince me to drink something that taste like dirt, no matter how good it is for me. I have to actually like it if I’m going to drink it – and I’m known for being quite picky. Also, because I am especially new at all of this, I need it all to be spelled out for me (what to buy, how much to buy, etc). Enter Lacy. Thank goodness for Lacy and her juicing recipes. They are all delicious and she tells you (photos included!) what to buy! Our favorite is the kale, romaine, cucumber, apple or pear, lemon and ginger. Do I actually like kale and cucumber? NO! But the other stuff covers up their tastes. We’re also pretty in love with one of her fruit juice recipes called the Melted Popsicle. 
Dust off your juicers, friends. It’s totally worth it. I’m feeling pretty great. In addition to juicing. we’re having green smoothies most mornings – more on that soon (also delish!). My next wellness goal is to sweat a bit more every week (hello, exercise!). Small steps, small steps!
Our juicing must haves: 
* Juicer – We bought this Juiceman a couple of months ago when we started juicing. It’s been working just fine but we’ve noticed that it’s getting more and more clogged the more we use it. We’re considering upgrading to a Breville juicer, but haven’t done so yet. 
* Mason Jars – We’re using these but you can get all sorts of sizes, depending on your needs. 
Kelly Rae

P.S. Can you believe we surpassed 20K likes on our Facebook page!? Thank you so very much for all the FB likes! I like you too, very much! To celebrate, we’re offering 20% off all signed + matted prints in the shop through this Friday, April 5th. Use coupon code 20/20 at check out.


PPS: One of my favorite artists and creative besties has just launched registration for her painting ecourse. Oh my! I’m so excited to take this class. Having taught alongside Mati, I know she is an amazing, gentle, thoughtful, effective teacher. I can’t wait to learn from her. Wanna join me? Sweet. She’s offering a major discount if you sign up early. GO, go, go

Sending much love,

Show/Hide Comments (15 comments)
  1. Giasta

    I always take lemon juice in summer. I love juice very much. I would like to give thanks and for create nice green juice we need to know about green juicing recipes.

  2. Wanda Diakow

    I love my green juice and like to experiment with different veggies. I recently started growing wheat, from seed that we grew ,so that I can juice the wheatgrass. I use an Omega 8006, but personally I think all of the higher end models are good, BUT only if they are used and not sitting collecting dust. Happy juicing to those that indulge!!

  3. CanvasPics {Interior HeART still life}

    Choo, Choo – (couldn't resist). I think I want to hop aboard the juicing train. We've done some here and there – but the recipes you referenced sound good AND do(able). Double slam – Thanks! Tara

  4. Single Stone Studios

    I have both a Breville and a Vitamix. I prefer the vitamix so I get the whole food. After studying all I can about how the body metabolizes food due to my daughter being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes I highly recommend whole foods blending to juicing. Not that either one is bad for you by any means, but whole foods blending doesn't extract anything from the food the way juicing does and keep the insulin production in the body low, where it should be.

    Just something else to read about. it's all very fascinating and overwhelming at the same time! Congrats on your new healthy foods journey! Looks like you are finding lots of successes along the way! Enjoy!

  5. Linda Ledbetter

    Good for you, Kelly Rae! This is such a great thing to do for yourself.

    I used to manage an organic juice bar, and learned– as Soraya stated above– that juice starts to oxidize and lose its nutritional value pretty quickly. You can slow this down considerably by adding a tiny bit of pure vitamin C powder to your juices before you refrigerate them. You won't need to use more than a pinch, so it won't change the flavor of your juice at all.

    Here's a nice list of some recipes for you to play with:

    I agree with the ladies who suggested looking into a power blender when you're ready to take your healthy beverages to a new level. I finally invested in a Blendtec (which is very similar to a Vitamix, but a little less expensive). Getting the whole fruit/vegetable, fiber and all, is fantastic for your health and a lot easier on your blood sugar level.

    But, for now, enjoy your juicing and your extra-added radiance!

  6. Lori Taylor

    Sweet Kelly Rae – so happy for you and yours… grateful you found Lacy! Juicing is such a good way to transition into healthier… and you are a model for so many, thank you for your transparency and methods of how you are making this world better.
    Just love you!

  7. Kay Tee

    I have a green smoothie every morning – but I make mine right before I go out the door. I've been doing smoothies in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon too for about 2.5 months.

    Since I love it – and like you – I too am a meal skipper…and now, when I don't feel like eating I make a smoothie. I love spinach, so I like the spinach over the kale – which I find to be very bitter.

    I also put Nutritional Yeast, Flax Oil and sometimes oatmeal in my smoothies…you can't taste it – but it's good for ya!

  8. soraya nulliah

    Kelly-So great that you have been turned on to juicing! I have the Champion juicer-super expensive but so well worth it! Had it for over 8 years now and it works like a charm. Oh! BTW…I used to pre juice as well but then I learned that juice is LIVE and you are only supposed to juice right before (20-30 mins. max)you drink it…otherwise most of the health benefits are lost:(

  9. Beata

    I just bought my first juicer today, just finished the first juicing : ) It's awesome! We used fruits only today, but that's my plan too, to include veggies as well, I'm pretty sure we don't eat anything close to enough.My daughter is excited so far. I'm glad I decided to buy it at the end. Going to check the recipes from Lacy : )
    Have a lovely day!

  10. Christy ChasesShadows

    I second the vitamix, use mine at least 3 times/day. Also, I'm currently at my annual beach getaway with friends in St Simons. Last year I shared a pic with you of your couch in the storefront of Dutchman's. It was so fun to peruse the shops this year and find your and Mati's creative co-op's designs side by side. Such a testament to your friendship, creative journeys, and hard work.

  11. burgiggle

    If you are serious about juicing, I would invest in a Vitamix! Nothing gets wasted. Apple stems and cores, all becomes pulverized goodness and you wont know it's in there. Also good for making soups and it heats them so you don't have to heat on stove!

  12. Emily

    Also, you can view the Gerson Miracle at Youtube as well.

  13. Emily

    If you can afford it, please look into the Norwalk juicer. Unlike anything else on the market. So easy to use and clean up is a breeze. The price will justify in the end.
    And, if you have Netflix, please go watch "The Gerson Miracle". It will change your life!
    Go juice girl!

  14. Kelly

    Love this post Kelly. I've been juicing everyday for the last 4 years and it's helped me overcome lots of health problems. I recently attended a Juice Academy which was absolutely amazing, and now i'm studying to become a natural juice therapist. It's certainly helped me to make some positive changes in my life.

    Well done on FB too. Kelly xx

  15. CJ

    I love juicing, it's so quick and easy and a really great way of getting fruit (and vegetables!) into children. Well done on all of those FB likes.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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