“Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder.”
-E.B. White
This year I’ve been exploring different ways of mark making on the canvas. It’s been SUCH a deep dive into shaking up my creative process, something I think all of us creative spirits need from time to time. Some of the questions I’ve been asking myself are “How can I make painting fun again? What wants to come through?” The answer? Doodles and colors and wonky flowers!
And so it is. Wonderment wins again. And always.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about Wonder. Maybe because my dear friend, Andrea Scher’s book is about to launch. Have you seen it? It’s called Wonder Seeker and I can hardly wait for it to get here!
Or maybe because Wonder feels like a dear old friend, coming back around to remind me to DELIGHT in mark making, to delight in finding small moments and bits of wonder in my everyday life as well as in myself. It’s such a lovely way to see the world. I want to be sure I’m paying attention.
5 ways I’m practicing looking out for the presence of wonder this week:
- I’m pausing. This morning when I was in a lengthy outside line at the bagel shop, I allowed myself to get lost in the lives and sounds of the birds around me.
- I’m looking. Always looking for hearts, ya’ll. I found the one above in a tree stump.
- I’m noticing and saying a mini prayer of thanks for that gorgeous flowering weed and all of my amazing indoor plant babies.
- I’m stopping my kiddo mid sentence so I can capture his essence at this age (10!) with my camera.
- And I’m allowing my inner 10 year old self to come paint her doodles and marks on a grown up canvas with grown up paints.
Tell me what’s rocking your wonder-filled world. I’d love to know!!!