New Print: Your Knowing

Sep 14, 2021 | Inspiring Products

Inspirational quote image from YourKnowing blog

Trust your inner knowing.

Your voice, those whispers that call to you, are a divine reflection of your purpose here. Your knowingness is whole, complete, and always always your most accurate heart compass. Allow it to guide you. You can trust its wisdom, which comes from an ancient essence of love and more love of which you are a part of.

Step deeper into your power.

  • Trust that you are here to step into the vastness that is you.
  • Own your significance, never dim or downplay your worthiness.
  • Allow your story and the paths you’ve traveled to inform and confirm your authority of what you know to be true.
  • Share that truth. Allow it to heal, shine, nuture, inspire, and create soul deep connections.
  • Claim your courage as honesty and living brave.
  • Celebrate your quirks and uniqueness as the superpower that they are.

Know that what you’re doing in this world matters.

Your work. Your parenting. Your responding. Your knowings. Your hugs. Your smile to the stranger on the sidewalk. The gracious email you sent. Your paintings. Your poetry. Your story. Your teaching. Your nurturing. Your falling apart. Your conscious rebuilding. What you’re doing in this world matters. Thank you for showing up.

I believe in us, friends.

Keep trusting your inner knowings. Keep stepping even deeper into your power. And know that all you do in this world matters. 

Sending much love,

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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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