learnin’ and lovin’

there’s a lot going on. it’s a busy life. sometimes i think i’m actually good at communicating, but then sometimes, i suck. i got all upset with john earlier today for not reporting his GRE scores in a timely manner to all the schools he’s...

woven whispers

I heard that song “We Are The World” today on a pbs special about LiveAid. Hearing it immediately took me back to the summer of 1985 when I was obsessed with Michael Jackson and I was insane over that song. I was 10 years old and I was spending the summer...

we must be the change

the best part of the day was receiving a sweet card from liz with a little magnet that read “we must be the change we want to see in the world.” i love gandhi and i love that quote. it is true. so i will work on being the change i want to see in the world....

hair drama

my all time favorite hairdresser made a terrible mistake on my hair and it turned out super dark with a really unatural burgandy/purple tint. then he tried to fix it the following day and now it’s super dark with a coppery/red tint. i think i’ve washed my...

jumbled up insides

i’ve been feeling a bit jumbled up on the inside the last couple of days. i know this feeling is temporary and will soon pass, but whenever i’m feeling it, it feels inescapable. it seems that when i’m feeling overwhelmed, my response is to either...

mason jennings & neurotica

Ever since john introduced me to Mason Jennings’ music, I just can’t get enough. I love everything about his music right now. It’s just the right amount of folk and pop and sweetness. So far, my favorite songs of his are ‘nothing’,...

babies having babies

i talked to my best friend gina today. she just moved with her husband from berkeley to iowa and is adjusting to the non-berkeley world of small town iowa. what a change. it’s so exciting for me that she is having a baby. i just can’t even believe it. we...

social work

Can i just say that i really do love being a medical social worker. Everyday is different. I learn something every single day. I love working with patients and their families and being of service to them during a difficult time. But every once in awhile i have a very...

Heaps of Flowers

John and I went to the downtown farmer’s market yesterday morning. We went last Saturday, too. I love it there. It’s in the park blocks, shaded, bustling with all sorts of people carrying their satchels with all kinds of goodies – berries, veggies, gorgeous...


So I decided to go get properly fitted for bras. I’ve been needing new bras and thought, what the heck, I‘ll go and get properly measured. And plus, I saw on oprah that most women are wearing the wrong bra size. Anyways, I went to Nordstrom’s and the bra lady went...