(NEWish art > available here) I have never been a morning person, though it’s been my wish since I was a teen....
There’s lots to explore here.
I write about my life as an artist, including behind the scenes, new products we're making, and more!
I’m so glad you’re here.
Life in Progress
Beautiful Creature + Thoughts on Aging
As I approach my 48th birthday, I’m feeling the full-on beautiful weirdness of midlife. Like, for reals. There is the...
Friends, Their Magic + Love
I went to CA to see two of my dearest a few weeks ago, Mati and Andrea. I returned home enlivened and inspired in the...
What Started Out as a Nightmare Became Anything But
It’s 48 hours before I leave for my trip to the UK when I realize that my passport expired the previous year during...
Lots of Freebies for You + a Website Refresh!
We did a little website refresh!! What do you think? Nothing too crazy, but I wanted to refresh our colors and photos...
Life Update, New Stickers, and More.
“Write in on your heart that every day is the best day in the year” – Ralph Waldo Emerson As we enter 2022, I’m...
Unfurling, New Art, and Trip To CA
(NEW art > available here) A couple of weeks ago, I drove down to California to celebrate Andrea’s 50th and her...
NEW ART + Wellness Update
(NEW art, available here) Self-compassion changes everything When we’re utterly overwhelmed When we think we’re a...
A Year Off Social Media: Some Thoughts!
Hi loves, Has it been a year+ since I broke up with social media? It has! In some ways, it feels like it was just last...
Hello + welcome!
Hey there, I’m Kelly Rae Roberts
Before I was an artist, I was a social worker. And then at the age of 30, I started playing with paint, and everything about my life changed. Today I’m passionate about making meaningful art while helping other women explore their creativity, nourish their souls, and build thriving creative businesses.
I live in a tiny town named Sisters, Oregon with my husband John, our son True, and our two English Bulldogs, Lulu Butter Butterbean and Amelia Apple Bottoms. I deeply believe that anything is possible, one small and brave step at a time.
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I believe telling the truth about our beautifully messy lives is a transformative gift. For yourself. And anyone who’s listing. You too? I knew we were kindreds.