vacation in florida continues…

vacation in florida continues…

meet my parents: greggie and carol. aren’t they cute? they started dating when i was 14, married when i was 16 and the rest is living history. they are a great match for one another in every way and it’s been really wonderful for me to be here and watch...
thoughts on returning 3000 miles home

thoughts on returning 3000 miles home

i have so much to share…so much zooming inside my thoughts. i made the long trip home to florida to see my family, specifically to celebrate greggie’s (as i affectionately call my stepdad, greg) retirement. i was a little worried about making the trip...
deeply loved and unforgettable

deeply loved and unforgettable

“unforgettable and deeply loved” 10×20 on canvas a sweet someone said to me recently, “i see your light.” my heart sank with tenderness. she gets it. she gets me. she understands that with all the cracks, there is light, too. our lightness...
thoughts in route

thoughts in route

the sky appears so expansive as i sit here next to it, in this window seat, in route to ohio. the Be Good Tanyas are humming their folk melodies in my ear and the landscape of this sky feels wild and free and wide and possible, much like how the horizon of my life...

the terma collective

May our eyes remain open even in the face of tragedy. May we not become disheartened. May we find in the dissolution of our apathy and denial, the cup of the broken heart. May we discover the gift of the fire burning in the inner chamber of our being – burning great...

holy cow.

my mom would kill me if she saw the state of our apartment at this very moment. dirty laundry has spilled over. dirty dishes are piled up in sink. the bath towels are in desperate need of washing. we have just a sliver of body soap left. dog hair everywhere. dirty...

oh yes

currently in florida enjoying family and friends. really reveling in the the relaxation and time with family. more words and photos to follow in the coming days. i love this time of year.

we made it through.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?’...


we went to dinner last night with friends and then to a christmas party in san fran. have i mentioned how much i love going into the city? it really is a great city. it was nice to get all dressed up and have a festive night with new friends. in this photo i’m...
self portrait tuesday- with someone

self portrait tuesday- with someone

this is Bella. we lovingly refer to her as our “hemophiliac-dwarfed-airplane eared-thyroid deficient-dog” but truly, she’s the best dog ever. her ears are up in this photo but she often has them straight out to sides, making her look like she’s...