Hello friends! Here are my most recent Wear Your Joy moments. As always, this personal practice continues to inspire. Wanna join me? Click over here for all the details!
Tuesday, July 19
On my way to Flora’s studio to film a couch chat with her. We’re talking about art & biz which is something I can talk about all day long. I’m dressed up in joy in my oldie but goodie Karaline dress because my Wear Your Joy practice is still going strong, y’all! Big xo! Ps: Frozen Otter Pops for life!
Wednesday, August 3
Wearing my sunshiney joy today. And honestly, the techie problems I’m having today seem less UGH and more I GOT THIS with all of this yellow adorning my body.
Wednesday, August 10
Calling this my Whoop-de-do outfit. I’ve had a maddening morning with poor customer service (total pet peeve of mine) but I’m turning it around, folks. Turning. It. Around. Glad to be home!